KootenayBiz’s bimonthly eNewsletters keep you informed and inspired about business successes in your communities
by Virginia RaschAll East Kootenay articles
The annual Elkford Business Excellence Awards were held on October 29, 2020 via Zoom
by Julie MatchettMichael Keefer, an exemplary entrepreneur, owns three green businesses in the Kootenays
by Virginia RaschNelson-based KAST held round one of its virtual Kootenay Pitch Competition on November 12
by Julie MatchettThis year’s 2020 Fernie Business Excellence awards, held on October 23, was a virtual celebration.
by Julie MatchettWinners of the Sparwood Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards were announced on October 22.
by Julie MatchettPrestige Hotels and Resorts are business leaders with 7 “green” certifications from Sustainable Tourism 2030
by Virginia RaschLocated in Balment Park, the KEYSA sports facility will truly be a Cranbrook community venue
by Julie MatchettA certification from Sustainable Tourism 2030 is good for people, the planet and profits
by Virginia RaschBrad Parsell, executive director at the Fernie Chamber, is enticing out-of-town workers with a diversity of careers and lifestyle opportunities available
by Kyle BornKootenay Computer helps with the digital divide and picks up a Business-to-Business Excellence Award from the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce
by Virginia RaschThe Kimberley Chamber of Commerce is accepting nominations for its annual Business Excellence Awards
by Julie MatchettThe third annual scarecrow contest is underway and sponsored by the Sparwood Chamber of Commerce.
by Virginia RaschThree Kootenay regional districts recognized for Accelerate Kootenays initiative
by Julie MatchettThe winners were celebrated a little differently this year at the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce’s Business Excellence Awards.
by Julie MatchettThe Forest Practices Board released a report that recommends better reforestation practices in B.C.’s dry fir forests, including less clearcutting
by Virginia RaschBrittney Dickson, owner of Stay Wild Backcountry Skills in Golden, B.C., is bringing avalanche safety training online
by Kyle BornThe Columbia Basin Trust 2019/20 Annual Report shows over $97 million provided for the Basin region
by Julie MatchettCelebrating Kootenay biodiversity, the GLOWS program is part of Science Literary Week 2020
by Julie MatchettA relocation concierge, CityScout offers personalized service to help make a move easier
by Julie MatchettHire Smarter, Sell More: An interview with book author C. Lee Smith on hiring top sales staff
by Virginia RaschNominations for the 2020 Fernie Business Excellence Awards are open until September 7
by Julie MatchettEntrepreneurs and startups are invited to pitch their ideas in front of a panel of judges at the first-ever Kootenay Pitch Competition
by Julie MatchettRon Demaniuk has steel fabricated a screaming eagle statue in Cranbrook’s Harmony Park
by Kyle BornWildsight is hosting fun summer day camps for kids ages seven to 12
by Julie MatchettJesse Roberts, co-owner of Fire Hall Kitchen & Tap in Cranbrook, B.C., offers advice on how to reopen business during COVID-19
by Kyle BornA trip of goats are trained as targeted grazers for a unique business: Vahana Nature Rehabilitation in Ta Ta Creek, B.C.
by Virginia RaschIn partnership with business professionals, KAST is hosting a series of practical webinars designed to strengthen your web strategy.
by Julie MatchettA new store in downtown Cranbrook is turning up the coolness factor with their frozen yogurt treats
by Julie MatchettEffective Friday, July 24, Category 2 & 3 fires will be prohibited across the Southeast Fire Centre region. This does not include campfires or cooking stoves.
by Julie MatchettKootenay companies innovate to help Canada become self-sufficient in PPE during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Virginia RaschGreg Chatelain, co-owner of Kootenay Park Lodge in Vermilion Crossing, B.C., has kept his business alive and well through forest fires and COVID-19
by Kyle BornPandemic bad haircuts and lessons learned by Kellie Wolf, owner of Wolfy’s Hair Den in Kimberley
by Virginia RaschPat Meerholz, co-owner of Wynndel Craft Distilleries in Creston Valley, B.C., handcrafts award-winning brandy, gin, rum, vodka, liqueur and schnapps
by Kyle BornThroughout the East Kootenay area, local farms and food producers sell directly to the public through roadside stands and farmgate sales
by Julie MatchettMarloes van Lent, founder and owner of Go-Lab Co-working Space, has created a collaborative location for entrepreneurs to gather in Golden, B.C.
by Kyle BornWe’ve compiled a list of retail, takeout, delivery and professional service businesses that you can support in Creston
by Kyle BornWe’ve compiled a list of retail, takeout, delivery and professional service businesses that you can support in Fernie
by Kyle BornWe’ve compiled a list of retail, takeout, delivery and professional service businesses that you can support in Kimberley
by Kyle BornWe’ve compiled a list of retail, takeout, delivery and professional service businesses that you can support across the East Kootenay region
by Kyle BornWe’ve compiled a list of retail, takeout, delivery and professional service businesses that you can support in Cranbrook
by Kyle BornLocal businesses form the heart of any community. Has a local business gone above and beyond? Tell us about it.
by Julie MatchettLow-interest loans, wage subsidies and tuition funding are among the support measures being offered to the region’s businesses and residents.
by Julie MatchettAs eclectic as Kootenay communities are, there are also a wide range of opportunities for budding entrepreneurs
by Julie MatchettLynn McIntosh has made it her mission to remove all graffiti from buildings in Cranbrook, B.C.
by Kyle BornMorgan Turner, owner of Morgan Turner Photography in Cranbrook, B.C., specializes in commercial and advertising photography
by Kyle BornThe B.C. government is hosting a free webinar to answer questions about free trade and the province's Small Business Venture Capital program.
by Julie MatchettCoraley Letcher, co-owner and manager of 5 Gen Construction in Fernie, B.C., explains how COVID-19 has impacted operations
by Kyle BornJessica Kazemi, the new manager of the Cranbrook Farmer’s Market, is excited to lead the market into the future
by Kyle BornIlana Cameron has found her calling in Lark Coffee Roasters in Creston
by Virginia Rasch