Shop Local in the East Kootenay
Here’s a list of local businesses worth supporting in the East Kootenay

Support East Kootenay businesses by shopping locally.
East Kootenay residents are looking to support small businesses. The ability to shop local brings a multitude of benefits: convenience, a boost to our local economy, better and more personalized customer service.
We’ve compiled a list of local businesses worth recognizing in the East Kootenay. We’ve organized the catalog by city first and then arranged each location into three categories: Retail, Takeout / Delivery and Services.
Have you had a good Shop Local experience? Please fill out this form and help us recognize and continue to support these deserving small businesses.
We also have a Shop Local in the West Kootenay list of businesses.
Show your support for local businesses online by using the #ShopLocal, #KootenayStrong and #ThinkLocalFirst hashtags.
We here at KPI Media are providing business news on Kootenay Business. For sales and other inquiries, email KPI Media.
Shop Local in Cranbrook:
Shop Local in Fernie:
Shop Local in Invermere:
Retail stores in Invermere:
The Inside Edge Boutique and Sports: Sporting and fashion store. Updates on The Inside Edge Boutique and Sports website
Advent Home Solutions Inc.: Custom cabinetry, wood signs, cutting boards and many other creative wood products. Updates on Advent Home Solutions Facebook page
Main Street Fun & Games: Specialty board games, collectable trading card games, puzzles, toys and crafts. Updates on Main Street Fun and Games website
Avenue: Modern clothing store. Updates on Avenue website.
Shop Local in Kimberley:
Shop Local in Marysville:
Takeout / Delivery restaurants in Marysville:
The Nest Restaurant: Updates on The Nest Marysville Facebook page
Shop Local in Jaffray:
Takeout / Delivery restaurants in Jaffray:
First Perk Coffee House & Eatery: Delivers to Baynes Lake, Wardner, Galloway, Jaffray, Tie Lake, Rosen Lake, Elko and Grasmere. Updates on First Perk Coffee House & Eatery Facebook page
Shop Local in Creston:
Shop Local in Golden:
Retail stores in Golden:
The Jungle Room: Children’s fashionable clothing, footwear and creativity inspired toys. Updates on The Jungle Room Facebook page
Service businesses in Golden:
Columbia Diesel Ltd.: Auto repair shop. Updates on Columbia Diesel website
Shop Local in Skookumchuck:
Service businesses in Skookumchuck:
Skookumchuck Motel & RV Park: Updates on Skookumchuck Motel & RV Park website.
Shop Local in Elkford:
Service businesses in Elkford:
Karen's Pet Inn: Kennel service. Call 250-865-7673 or e-mail [email protected] to make an appointment.
Shop Local in Vermillion Crossing:
Service businesses in Vermillion Crossing:
Kootenay Park Lodge: Updates on Kootenay Park Lodge website.
Is your business missing from our Shop Local list?
Local business owners in the East Kootenay, if you don’t see your business included on this page and you are currently in operation, please fill out this form.