Marloes van Lent, founder and owner of Go-Lab Co-working Space, has created a collaborative location for entrepreneurs to gather in Golden, B.C.
by Kyle BornAll Milestones articles
We’ve compiled a list of retail, takeout, delivery and professional service businesses that you can support in Creston
by Kyle BornWe’ve compiled a list of retail, takeout, delivery and professional service businesses that you can support across the West Kootenay region
by Kyle BornWe’ve compiled a list of retail, takeout, delivery and professional service businesses that you can support in Fernie
by Kyle BornWe’ve compiled a list of retail, takeout, delivery and professional service businesses that you can support in Kimberley
by Kyle BornWe’ve compiled a list of retail, takeout, delivery and professional service businesses that you can support across the East Kootenay region
by Kyle BornWe’ve compiled a list of retail, takeout, delivery and professional service businesses that you can support in Cranbrook
by Kyle BornLocal businesses form the heart of any community. Has a local business gone above and beyond? Tell us about it.
by Julie franchise owners, Simon and Stephanie Jones, take home gold at the recent Canadian Franchise Association awards
by Julie MatchettLow-interest loans, wage subsidies and tuition funding are among the support measures being offered to the region’s businesses and residents.
by Julie MatchettMarco Gerhardt, co-owner of Kootenay Filter in Nelson, B.C., discusses how Can-Filter layoffs led to Kootenay Filter’s creation
by Kyle BornAs eclectic as Kootenay communities are, there are also a wide range of opportunities for budding entrepreneurs
by Julie MatchettLynn McIntosh has made it her mission to remove all graffiti from buildings in Cranbrook, B.C.
by Kyle BornJoel Godbee of Paradise Painters in Nelson summarizes the latest trends in the paint industry
by Virginia RaschErika Krest, executive director for the Trail and District Chamber of Commerce, is promoting #thinklocalfirst Bingo to encourage local shopping
by Kyle BornMike Sherwood provides shuttle service with a smile to low-income residents and seniors in Castlegar
by Julie MatchettThis award-winning internet service provider keeps the Kootenays connected
by Julie MatchettIan Comishin, president of Twente Additive Manufacturing in Nelson, B.C., is printing homes for the Kootenays and beyond
by Kyle BornMorgan Turner, owner of Morgan Turner Photography in Cranbrook, B.C., specializes in commercial and advertising photography
by Kyle BornThe B.C. government is hosting a free webinar to answer questions about free trade and the province's Small Business Venture Capital program.
by Julie MatchettCoraley Letcher, co-owner and manager of 5 Gen Construction in Fernie, B.C., explains how COVID-19 has impacted operations
by Kyle BornJessica Kazemi, the new manager of the Cranbrook Farmer’s Market, is excited to lead the market into the future
by Kyle BornWith students and teachers poised to return to school, how will the future of education post-pandemic look?
by Julie MatchettIlana Cameron has found her calling in Lark Coffee Roasters in Creston
by Virginia RaschBuying or selling a home during the COVID-19 pandemic in British Columbia? Yes you can!
by Virginia RaschThis summer, eleven communities will be creating or reinvigorating outdoor public spaces through Columbia Basin Trust
Adaptation is the new keyword for businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Julie MatchettMeat Matters in Kimberley is open for business with their mouth-watering tagline: Meat. Fire. Flavour.
by Virginia RaschMary Austin, CEO of Austin Innovation, is organizing COVID-19-specific personal protective equipment in Trail, B.C.
This year plant a Pandemic Garden to help the dual crises of coronavirus and climate change
by Virginia Rasch$11.7 million in new funding is available for businesses and community services affected by the ongoing pandemic
by Julie MatchettCraig Swendson, brewmaster at Torchlight Brewing Company in Nelson, B.C., explains how his business is adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic
by Kyle BornFinding new, innovative ways to help customers is the new normal for businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Are you open for business? Let us know.
What investors need to know about the West Kootenay Boundary Community Investment Co-op and the East Kootenay Columbia Community Investment Co-op
by Virginia RaschStuck at home and going a little crazy? Kootenay toy stores deliver fun and educational items
by Julie MatchettB.C.’s small businesses make recommendations on the types of support they would like to see from governments
by Julie MatchettBusinesses across the Kootenays are stepping up to help their fellow citizens—share your business story.
Mal Paterson, owner of Seedz Crackers in Cranbrook, B.C., discusses why her snack is compelling for people with food allergies
by Kyle BornThe WorkBC Centre in Trail opened at an opportune time—rising unemployment in the COVID-19 epoch
by Virginia RaschEric and Michelle Forbes, owners of Kimberley City Bakery, are closing and selling their business
by Kyle BornThe Kootenay Carshare Cooperative now rents EVs and lets you rent your own EV out for a profit
by Jean-Marc La FlammeRevive the lost art of reading aloud during Earth Hour—Saturday, March 28th starting at 8:30 p.m.
by Virginia RaschThe Wandering Fern Café in Golden can help make your event memorable and fun
by Virginia RaschGladys Goss-Laing, owner of Baker Hill Heritage Bed and Breakfast in Cranbrook, outlines what it takes to run a successful B&B
by Kyle BornFour Kootenay distilleries are turning an alcoholic byproduct into a critically short commodity: Hand sanitizer for FREE!
by Virginia RaschIn an effort to help keep Kootenay residents safe and healthy, communities across the region are closing public facilities
by Julie MatchettCastlegar business roundup: Here’s the latest news
by Virginia RaschThe Creston Valley Chamber of Commerce handed out 11 awards at its annual Business Awards gala
by Virginia RaschFuelled by a love of fashion and a passion for their community, three local businesswomen create Kettle Down, a unique clothing brand
by Julie MatchettThe Den, a new fitness centre in Cranbrook, empowers people of all ages to embrace their best self
by Julie Matchett