Shop Local in Revelstoke
Here’s a list of local businesses worth supporting in Revelstoke

Support Revelstoke businesses by shopping locally.
Revelstoke residents are looking to support small businesses. The ability to shop local brings a multitude of benefits: convenience, a boost to our local economy, better and more personalized customer service.
We’ve compiled a list of local businesses worth recognizing in Revelstoke. We’ve organized the catalog by city first and then arranged each location into three categories: Retail, Takeout / Delivery and Services.
Have you had a good Shop Local experience? Please fill out this form and help us recognize and continue to support these deserving small businesses.
We also have a Shop Local in the West Kootenay list of businesses.
Show your support for local businesses online by using the #ShopLocal, #KootenayStrong and #ThinkLocalFirst hashtags.
We here at KPI Media are providing business news on Kootenay Business. For sales and other inquiries, email KPI Media.
Shop Local in Revelstoke:
Retail stores in Revelstoke:
Legends and Heroes Toys and Apparel: Toys, board games for all ages, puzzles and crafts. Updates on Legends and Heroes Toys and Apparel Facebook page
Infinite Powersports: Motorsports store. Contact via Infinite Powersports Facebook page.
Kidz on Main: Clothing store. Updates on Kidz on Main website.
Revy Outdoors: Clothing store. Updates on Revy Outdoors Facebook page.
Revelstoke Flooring: Flooring store. Call or order through Revelstoke Flooring website.
Takeout / Delivery restaurants in Revelstoke:
The Modern Bakeshop and Cafe. Updates on The Modern Bakeshop and Cafe Facebook page.
Craft Bierhaus: Restaurant. Updates on Craft Bierhaus website.
Emo's: Restaurant. Updates on Emo's website.
Nico's Pizzeria: Restaurant. Updates on Nico's Pizzeria website.
Revelstoke Sugar Shack: Ice cream, candy and coffee shop. Updates on Revelstoke Sugar Shack website.
The Village Idiot Bar & Grill: Restaurant. Updates on Village Idiot Bar & Grill website.
Mountain Meals: Providing pre-made lunches and snacks for those who like to play hard and eat well. For updates visit their Facebook or Instagram pages.
Revelstoke Delivery: Delivery services for the following restaurants: Nomads, Padrinos, Frisby Ridge Sushi, Killa B’s Grilla Cheese, Rockford Grill and more to come. For updates check out the Revelstoke Delivery website.
Service businesses in Revelstoke:
KPI Media: Providing business news via Kootenay Business. For sales and other inquiries, email KPI Media.
Revelstoke Equipment Rentals: Equipment rental agency. Updates on Revelstoke Equipment Rentals website.
Selkirk Car Rental: Car rental agency. Updates on Selkirk Car Rental website.
Craftsman Home Inspections: Home inspector. Updates on Craftsman Home Inspections website.
Absolute Contracting Ltd.: Home builder. Updates on Absolute Contracting Ltd. website.
Burridge's Electrical Contractors: Electrician. Updates on Burridge's Electrical Contractors website.
Revelstoke Delivery: Your local trusted logistic partner for personal or business needs, anything from anywhere directly to you at your convenience, Door to door, city to city or province to province we got you covered. For updates check out the Revelstoke Delivery website.
Is your business missing from our Shop Local list?
Local business owners in Revelstoke, if you don’t see your business included on this page and you are currently in operation, please fill out this form.