Shop Local in Nelson

Here’s a list of local businesses worth supporting in Nelson

A bridge in Nelson.

Support Nelson businesses by shopping locally.

Nelson residents are looking to support small businesses. The ability to shop local brings a multitude of benefits: convenience, a boost to our local economy, better and more personalized customer service.

We’ve compiled a list of local businesses worth recognizing in Nelson. We’ve organized the catalog by city first and then arranged each location into three categories: Retail, Takeout / Delivery and Services.

Have you had a good Shop Local experience? Please fill out this form and help us recognize and continue to support these deserving small businesses.

We also have a Shop Local in the West Kootenay list of businesses.

Show your support for local businesses online by using the #ShopLocal, #KootenayStrong and #ThinkLocalFirst hashtags.

We here at KPI Media are providing business news on Kootenay Business. For sales and other inquiries, email KPI Media.

Shop Local in Nelson:

Retail stores in Nelson:

Bears Furniture and Appliances: Updates on Bears Furniture and Appliances website

Pixie Candy Shoppe: Specialty candy shop. Updates on Pixie Candy Shoppe website

Ripping Giraffe Boardshop: Snowboard and skateboard store. Updates on Ripping Giraffe Boardshop Facebook page

Secret Garden Toys: Toys, games and puzzles for all ages and levels. Updates on Secret Garden Toys Facebook page.

Mountain Baby: Baby, toddler, and kids’ outdoor gear, sporting equipment, eco-friendly accessories and toys. Updates on Mountain Baby website.

Kootenay Filter Inc.: Air Filter Supplier. Updates on Kootenay Filter website.

Backroads Brewing Co.: Brewery. Updates on Backroads Brewing Co. website

Sunset Custom Blinds and Spas: Updates on Sunset Custom Blinds and Spas Facebook page

Takeout / Delivery restaurants in Nelson:

Thor’s Pizza: Updates on Thor's Pizza Facebook page.

Baba’s Indian Cuisine: Updates on Babas Indian Cuisine Facebook page.

Torchlight Brewing Company: Updates on Torchlight Brewing Company website

Culinary Conspiracy Specialty Food Store Inc.: Updates on Culinary Conspiracy website

Art of Brewing: Winemaking supply store. Updates on Art of Brewing website

Epiphany Cakes: Updates on Epiphany Cakes website

Service businesses in Nelson:

KPI Media: Providing business news via Kootenay Business. For sales and other inquiries, email KPI Media.

Fair Realty: Real estate agency. Updates on Fair Realty website

Gerick Cycle & Ski: Updates on Gericks Cycle & Ski website

Repair Factory: Experts for iPhone, iPad, Samsung, Android, Mac, PC, networking and business support. Updates on Repair Factory website

The Canadian Centre for Aboriginal Entrepreneurship, Inc.: Guiding Aboriginal Entrepreneurs in building a profitable future. Updates on Canadian Centre for Aboriginal Entrepreneurship website

Secure by Design: Internet service provider. Updates on Secure by Design website

Ellenwood Homes Ltd.: Design and building firm. Updates on Ellenwood Homes website

Kootenay Glass & Mirror Ltd.: Auto glass shop. Updates on Kootenay Glass website

The Lakeview: Destination resort on Kootenay Lake. Updates on The Lakeview website

Is your business missing from our Shop Local list?

Local business owners in Nelson, if you don’t see your business included on this page and you are currently in operation, please fill out this form

Kyle Born

Kyle Born is a writer for Kootenay Business and his initials match that of the magazine—it must be fate that brought them together. View all of Kyle Born’s articles

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