The bill would establish a National Local Food Day, which would designate the Friday before Thanksgiving of each year as National Local Food Day
All East Kootenay articles
The new agreement will significantly advance reconciliation and treaty negotiations
Cranbrook Yarn and Gifts remains Cranbrook's one and only local yarn outlet serving knitters and fibre-lovers throughout the district
Lotus Books in downtown Cranbrook will host the 7th Annual Book Fair, featuring eight local area authors
There have been some recent additions and changes to the scene on Kimberley's Platzl
Funding kick-starts Nature Conservancy of Canada campaign for conservation in the Canadian Rockies
Among the best of the natural resources in Sparwood, B.C., are the citizens who love and support the community.
by Marie MilnerKootenay Business is pleased to present a snapshot of the top jobs available in the region.
College names recipients of newly-created scholarship fund
Here are a few members of Kimberley’s business community whose attitudes and practices inspire and influence others.
by Marie MilnerA new venture called "Pan In A Can Paydirt" has been launched by Stephen Lathem of Fort Steele, the owner of the Nip and Tuck Gold Mine
Until both Enbridge-owned pipelines are back at full operating pressure, FortisBC will have a constrained supply of natural gas
Columbia Basin Trust supports physical well-being through new granting program
Routes from Calgary to Vancouver and back as well as Calgary to Winnipeg and back started running on Monday, October 29
In this new world of craft beer, where trends change, categories evolve, and beer-styles take off, it was time for a fresh new look
Following the retirement of Trent Taylor, founder of Taylor Adams, the accounting firm has been rebranded as Apex Accounting
Christine has been with the BMO Financial Group since 2009.
The second Jensen generation at New Dawn share thoughts about business and family.
by Marie MilnerFestive market celebration brings together more than 70 local producers and artisans
As the New Dawn Group of Companies celebrates 40 years in business, we take a brief look at its beginning and its present.
by Marie MilnerIn the coming years, Elder Bro's Farm plans to supply fresh and ripe elderberries to all of BC for delicious wines, juices, jams, and of course, schnapps.
Robin Gallant created Patina’d to bring renewed and restored items to Nelson homes, offices and more.
by Zoë DupleyKootenay Business is pleased to present a snapshot of the top jobs available in the region.
BC Transit’s Chair of the Board announced that Erinn Pinkerton has been appointed as the organization’s President and CEO.
Brittney Dickson, owner, lead instructor and coach for sled and touring camps at Stay Wild Backcountry Skills in Golden, B.C., teaches courses for women
by Kyle BornRick Jensen, founder of New Dawn Group of Companies, looks back at the company’s 40 years in construction and development.
by Marie MilnerThe store is also part of the FLO Network and is equipped with two electric vehicle charging stations
Spirit Rock Climbing Center took home the 2018 Kimberley chamber award for Youth Friendly Business, and it’s easy to see why.
by Zoë DupleyAnnual community clinic to take place at Tamarack Centre November 22
The new EKCCI is seeking founding members and investors who wish to make an impact in their community
Officials such as Chief Joe Pierre and ʔaq'am Community Enterprises CEO Christopher McCurry were on hand for the occasion.
Ashlée Martin uses her passion of photography to tell stories and showcase East Kootenay personalities.
by Zoë DupleyKootenay Business is pleased to present a snapshot of the top jobs available in the region.
The business has been purchased from local owners who will continue to support the new ownership in an advisory role
Middletown Crossing’s design and sensor-controlled traffic lights result in a smooth flow of traffic at the intersection of Highways 3 and 43.
by Marie MilnerThe EECOM Awards recognizes both classroom teachers and community educators who demonstrate excellence in encouraging stewardship and sustainability
The 2018 Kootenay Manufacturing Awards are given to outstanding companies of various sizes in our region
by Keith PowellSharyl Paull helps people to listen to their bodies through healing touch, asking the right questions and creating a space of trust and support.
by Zoë DupleyDennis Charles’s new business in Creston combines his passion for photography with helping other local businesses craft their brand’s image.
by Zoë DupleyGolden’s Whitetooth captured two first place awards and Cranbrook’s Fisher Brewing Company and Nelson Brewing Company won one each.
Darrin Brown, owner of Mobile Recovery Milling in Cranbrook, B.C., repurposes unused trees into useful lumber products
by Kyle BornKootenay Business is pleased to present a snapshot of the top jobs available in the region.
Participants learn from the land and people of the Ktunaxa Nation
Emma Genest, outreach co-ordinator for Accelerate Kootenays, discusses electric cars, supply versus demand and the cost of saving the world
by Kyle BornDon McCormick talks about managing Kimberley’s assets and liabilities—the conference centre, the SunMine and the wildfire interface.
by Marie MilnerTyee Log Homes has grown and diversified since arriving in Kimberley in 2005, becoming a significant employer and economic driver.
by Marie MilnerThe program provides funding for community buildings that will generate their own energy using alternative and renewable methods
While they await the arrival of their new executive director, Cranbrook’s chamber board and staff are busy serving the membership.
by Marie MilnerUnder the banner, “Kimberley is a good place to be…Doing Business” ten awards were handed out to a variety of businesses.
Over the course of two days, the 130 delegates heard many inspirational and informative sessions on a variety of industry topics