All Milestones articles

Artist's conception of residential townhome project, Highland Crossing.
Invermere, Developments, Real Estate First new townhomes in Invermere since 2008 break ground

Construction begins on seven homes in $4.1 million development with spectacular views of Lake Windermere.

Kitchen interior from New Dawn's award-winning home, the Novak residence
Cranbrook, Developments New Dawn Developments takes home prestigious Georgie Award for Cranbrook residence

New Dawn won the 2016 Georgie Award for “Best Single Family Detached Home up to 2,000 square feet and under $500,000

by Colin Payne
Mark Preston, owner and operator of the new barbershop in Cranbrook, The Gentlemen's Mark.
Cranbrook, Small Business The Gentlemen’s Mark swings open its door

The Gentlemen’s Mark is located at 404A Cranbrook St. North, across from the Denny’s Restaurant and next to the Petro Canada station.

Karen Johnston, longtime publisher of the Cranbrook Townsman newspaper.
Cranbrook, Kimberley Longtime Townsman publisher retires from newspaper

Zena Williams, the current publisher of the Kootenay Advertiser, will step in and become the publisher of all three newspapers.

Greg and Janny of Cranbrook Search and Rescue were on hand to accept their cash award.
Cranbrook, Elkford, Fernie, Sparwood, Financial Over $7,000 awarded to community groups at EKC’s AGM

Members and guests joined East Kootenay Community Credit Union (EKC) for the financial institution’s Annual General Meeting April 22 at the Heritage Inn.

Sylvianne Roy, new manager of Cranbrook's CIBC branch on Baker Street.
Cranbrook, Financial New branch manager at Cranbrook’s CIBC branch

Roy was recently introduced and welcomed to Cranbrook at the local Chamber of Commerce's luncheon.

Steve Paccagnan (L) and Pascal Van Dijk are president and CEO of Panorama Mountain Resort and Fairmont Hot Springs Resort respectively.
Fairmont Hot Springs, Invermere, Radium Hot Springs, Financial, Retail, Small Business, Tourism Value in the valley

Columbia Valley business leaders plan to collectively market the valley’s attractions to vacationers and prospective residents.

Students at College of the Rockies
Cranbrook, Education, Technology Building on a strong foundation

Funding from the provincial government will improve the educational experience of COTR students.

Ktunaxa Nation Council chair Kathryn Teneese.
Cranbrook, Education, First Nations A central part of the community

Kathryn Teneese desires people to see the Ktunaxa Nation as part and parcel of the wider community.

FR Rentals in Sparwood has received an award for its contribution to the mining industry.
Sparwood, Mining An award-worthy business in Sparwood

FR Rentals in Sparwood has received an award for its contribution to the mining industry.

Exhibit A Artisan Market Place is a multi-vendor market in Grand Forks, B.C.
Grand Forks, Retail, Small Business Exhibit A Artisan Market

This multi-vendor craft market in Grand Forks, B.C., is open four days per week.

Outside of Cranbrook's Key City Theatre.
Cranbrook, Fernie, Sparwood, Education Next stop for Junior Dragon’s Den—Cranbrook’s Key City Theatre

Each team will be presenting a short promotional video, then pitching their ideas to the judges in front of a live audience.

Whitewater rafting down the Kicking Horse River, near Golden.
Golden, Tourism Interim solution in the works to ensure access to the iconic Lower Canyon of the Kicking Horse River

"We are very pleased that, starting this May long weekend, we will have rafters floating through the heart of our community," says Golden Mayor Ron Oszust.

The Yaqan Nukiy School at the Ktunaxa reserve in Creston, B.C., has recently opened a new school building.
Creston, Education, First Nations A place to grow and learn

The Yaqan Nukiy School on the Ktunaxa reserve in Creston, B.C., has a new building to best serve its elementary students and community

Gerry Taft is halfway through his third term as mayor of the District of Invermere.
Invermere Strategies for growth

Increased amenities and improved understanding of the needs of its population are tools for growth in the District of Invermere

Martina Danzer with members of her healing herd.
Kimberley, Health & Wellness, Small Business Making magic

Martina Danzer encourages people to step off the beaten track and connect with horses on a deeply personal and spiritual level.

Legacy Hall is a new multi-use facility at Lakeshore Resort and Campground at Lake Windermere, B.C.
Invermere, First Nations , Tourism Lakeshore culture

Lakeshore Resort and Campground offers unique amenities and events in addition to the campsites and the Lake Windermere beach.

Retired National Cross Country Ski Team member George Grey.
Nelson, Education Olympic skier gets fresh start in Selkirk College Nursing Program

George Grey, a 36-year-old retired cross-country ski racer, is in his third year of the Selkirk College Nursing Program.

Fairmont Hot Springs Resort taps into the largest hot mineral springs in Canada.
Fairmont Hot Springs, Energy, Environment, Tourism More power to Fairmont

The abundant, naturally hot water at Fairmont Hot Springs, B.C., has a second important function.

Cranbrook, Developments Silverado Construction and KD Electric on the move

It's been a busy year for Chase Thielen, president of Silverado Construction and KD Electric.

Trent Mason is the owner/operator of 2 Percent Realty, which is based in Cranbrook, B.C.
Cranbrook, First Nations , Real Estate Two Percent Realty a reality

Entrepreneur and realtor Trent Mason has brought the Two Percent Realty franchise to the East Kootenay

Cali Olleck is engaging in conversations about sustainability with people throughout Selkirk College as part of the work she’s conducting with the help of a grant from FortisBC.
Castlegar, Nelson, Education, Financial FortisBC grant energizes Selkirk College’s Sustainability Project

A grant from FortisBC will help the college take a closer look at energy use and setting new goals for reduction.

Fernie, Tourism Fernie Wilderness Adventures plans to expand

FWA founders Kim and Deb Sedrovic are ready to see their company's dream become a reality.

Picture of former Fernie Ford building.
East Kootenay, Fernie, Retail Fernie Chrysler on the move

A new banner went up on the former Fernie Ford location last week, declaring the building the new home of the Chrysler dealership.

The new Applied Research and Innovation Centre in Castlegar provides Selkirk College students a learning environment equipped with the latest technology.
Castlegar, Education Selkirk College opens new Applied Research & Innovation Centre

The new Applied Research and Innovation Centre in Castlegar provides Selkirk College students a learning environment equipped with the latest technology.

Kathy Cooper is the CEO of Kootenay Rockies Tourism based in Kimberley.
Tourism Kootenay Rockies Tourism takes on new business model

Greater emphasis will be placed on the planning and execution of Destination Development and Remarkable Experiences programs.

Picture of Kokanee Ford in Creston, B.C.
Creston, Retail Creston’s Kokanee Ford wins prestigious Diamond Club President’s Award

The President's Award is presented annually to those dealerships who demonstrate outstanding achievement in sales and customer satisfaction

Janice Alpine is the business development officer for the Kootenay Aboriginal Business Development Agency based in Cranbrook, B.C.
Cranbrook, Elkford, Invermere, Sparwood, Christina Lake, First Nations , Small Business Support for Aboriginal businesses

KABDA guides Aboriginal entrepreneurs through the stages of business from startup to expansion and succession.

Reto Barrington, managing partner at the Fernie RV Resort.
Fernie, Developments, Tourism Fernie’s new RV resort ready to welcome guests

The Fernie RV Resort is located minutes off of Highway #3 and is adjacent to the Fernie Golf and Country Club.

Business Person of the Year, Tristen Chernove, CEO of Elevate Airports, which manages Canadian Rockies International Airport.
Cranbrook Cranbrook chamber honours business excellence

Business excellence comes in many categories at this gala awards event

Picture of a woman washing the underside of a boat.
Environment Permanent stations to protect B.C. from invasive mussels

Quagga and zebra mussels pose a serious threat to B.C's aquatic ecosystems, salmon populations, hydro power stations and other infrastructure facilities.

Tourism Radium, the Visitor Centre and the Radium Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce are conveniently located together on Highway 93/95 in Radium Hot Springs, B.C.
Radium Hot Springs, Small Business, Tourism Radium Hot Springs chamber 2016

Visitor services are at the top of the agenda for the Radium Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce.

Rosemary Phillips is acting economic sector director for the Ktunaxa Nation
Cranbrook, Creston, Invermere, First Nations , Small Business Ktunaxa plan for the future

The Ktunaxa Nation is taking steps to achieve self-sufficiency for all Ktunaxa people who reside within its traditional territory.

Picture of the Cranbrook Daily Townsman office.
Cranbrook, Kimberley “A Daily” no more in Cranbrook or Kimberley

Black Press, owners of the Cranbrook Townsman, Kimberley Bulletin and the Kootenay Advertiser, has announced a change in publishing frequency.

Shrubs and trees in pots are lined up for sale at the Morris Flowers Garden Centre in Creston, B.C.
Agriculture, Environment, Forestry One tree does make a difference

Canada has committed to planting 35 million trees by 2020, one for each Canadian

Kayla Sebastian is the owner and chef at The Wooden Spoon Bistro & Bake Shop in Grand Forks, B.C.
Grand Forks, Cuisine, Small Business, Tourism The way to a community’s heart

Kayla Sebastian of the wildly popular Wooden Spoon Bistro & Bake Shop in Grand Forks, B.C., dishes up positivity, exceptional food and love.

New President, Chris Thom (L) with outgoing president Dave Struthers.
Cranbrook, Retail, Small Business Cranbrook Chamber announces new 2016 board line-up

The Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce is a professional organization representing the Cranbrook business community.

Yue “Max” Liang is a Selkirk College student who is in his first year of the Ski Resort Operations & Management Program (SROAM) based out of Nelson, B.C.’s Tenth Street Campus. Liang arrived to Canada from Beijing, China with a bachelor’s degree in engineering and is looking to change course to a career that brings new challenges and opportunities.
Nelson, Education, Tourism Selkirk College connects to China’s massive ski industry

Selkirk College’s Ski Resort Operations and Management Program allows students from Canada and around the world to learn the skills integral to the ski industry

Picture of Mike Fitzpatrick, new manager at the Creston Valley Chamber of Commerce.
Creston Mike Fitzpatrick new manager at Creston Chamber of Commerce

Mike brings to the Chamber a contagious enthusiasm, a great sense of humour, and an unmistakable drive to pull his community together to benefit everyone.

Kathy Wright became the executive director of the Boundary Country Regional Chamber of Commerce on September 1, 2015.
Grand Forks, Christina Lake, Small Business, Tourism Boundary Chamber 2016

She has about three more hours in her day than most of us, and Kathy Wright uses that time to the advantage of B.C.’s Boundary region.

(L to R) Roberta Hall and Laurie Klassen are the chair and executive director, respectively, of the Columbia Valley Community Foundation.
Canal Flats, Fairmont Hot Springs, Invermere, Radium Hot Springs Measuring the quality of Valley life

Columbia Valley Community Foundation will be checking the vital signs of the communities in the valley, going directly to its residents for input.

Picture of bridges that span the Columbia River in Trail, B.C.
Trail Columbia River Skywalk, chosen name for pipeline/pedestrian bridge

The name, submitted by Trail resident Glenn Schneider, was among the 80+ suggestions that were submitted to the City of Trail at the end of 2015.

Dylan Peil, a Grade 9 student at LV Rogers Secondary School,  designed and prototyped an Active Solar Tracker using a satellite dish covered with mirrors.
Castlegar, Nakusp, Nelson, Trail, Education, Technology Student scientists win big at the regional Science Fair

The fair was open to students from across the Kootenay Boundary region and featured 95 projects in experiments, innovation, and research.

Cedra Eichenauer is the manager of the Nakusp & District Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Centre in Nakusp, B.C.
Nakusp, New Denver, Small Business, Tourism Nakusp chamber 2016

Business support, community building and promoting the Central Kootenay region are all in a day’s work for Cedra Eichenauer of Nakusp, B.C.

Front entrance of the Radium Hot Springs Golf Club.
Radium Hot Springs, Tourism Windmill Golf Group and Radium Golf Group announce strategic management agreement

Growth and enhancement of the existing facilities will be a benefit for both parties with the new agreement.

As pictured l-r:  College of the Rockies’ Dean of Business and University Studies, Darrell Bethune;  Jane Raycraft, Instructor, Capilano University School of Tourism Management and School of Business; and College of the Rockies President and CEO David Walls.
Cranbrook, Education New Transfer Agreement with Capilano University inked

College of the Rockies is pleased to announced that they have signed a new block transfer agreement with Capilano University in Vancouver.

A Spirea shrub hanging over a rock wall.
Fernie, Kimberley, Real Estate How to create a beautiful low-maintenance yard

With a little bit of planning and forethought you can have a beautiful yard, but not have to spend hours a day maintaining it

The 2016 board of directors of the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary
Grand Forks, Christina Lake, Rossland, Salmo, Trail, Developments The RDKB celebrates its 50th anniversary

Following fellow Kootenay districts RDCK and RDEK, the RDKB celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2016.

by Mason Buettner

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