Making magic

Martina Danzer with members of her healing herd. — Photo courtesy Animal Magic Worldwide
Martina Danzer encourages people to step off the beaten track and connect with horses on a deeply personal and spiritual level.
Animal Magic Worldwide was officially launched in March, 2016, and its owner has a great deal to celebrate. Martina Danzer offers equine-assisted personal development, healing and more, from her secluded wilderness location near Kimberley, B.C.
"The 30-minute driving distance from Kimberley (50 minutes from Cranbrook, one hour from Fairmont) seems to be symbolic for the personal journey many of AMW's clients are on. They are leaving the beaten path of their lives to discover new and unfamiliar ways with the purpose to change and to claim personal and authentic peace and connection within. To utilize horses for personal development and psychotherapy is part of a worldwide rapidly growing industry. It offers participants of all ages and abilities effective ways to improve the way they feel about themselves and the world around them."
Danzer explains that the non-verbal, hands-on nature of equine-assisted healing makes it ideal for many who seek to connect, reflect and get to know themselves on a deeper level.
Animal Magic Worldwide has a team of six horses, who have helped people with everything from trauma and grief, to developing leadership skills.
Clients may take part in multi-day workshops and retreats, where they may stay on-site and have meals there if they desire. There is a gorgeous house on the property with four bedrooms and three bathrooms, accommodating up to eight people. D
Danzer's personal story is one that continues to inspire. She began her journey with a strong fear of horses, and in working with them, she overcame her fear and came to understand herself. She has written a book about her journey, which will be published at the end of the year.
To find out more, visit the Animal Magic Worldwide website.