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East Kootenay, West Kootenay Career BUZZ: Top Jobs in the Kootenays - June 23rd issue

Kootenay Business is pleased to present a snapshot of the top jobs available in the region.

Dr. Nathan Goodale (left) and Alissa Nauman (right) are the Hamilton College educators heading up the project excavating and documenting the pithouses found along the Slocan River.
West Kootenay, Nelson, Slocan, Education, First Nations Slocan Narrows Archaeological Project gets students hands-on with history

Hamilton College’s Slocan Narrows Archaeological Project brings post-secondary students together to excavate history uncovered in First Nations pithouses.

Warfield’s Jinjoe Construction is one of the West Kootenay companies that helps Selkirk College trades students earn their Red Seal ticket. (L-R) Apprentice Levi Schwarzer, company owner Jonathan Jinjoe and carpentry Journeyperson James Benson are currently working on a residential retrofit in Rossland.
West Kootenay, Nelson, Education Selkirk College builds the foundation for carpenters

A trade that has a multitude of career paths, carpentry is key to building a stronger province.

(L to R) Brenda Palmer, Michelle Forbes and Jodi Gravelle received special recognition at the 2017 Kootenay Business magazine Influential Women in Business luncheon on June 8, 2016.
East Kootenay, West Kootenay, First Nations , Small Business, Influential Women in Business 2017 Kootenay women of influence

Hard work, creativity and perseverance characterize the best of the best among businesswomen in the Kootenay region.

Samonte Cruz working on his final projects for the upcoming KSA Year End Show & Sale that takes place in Nelson on June 23-24.
West Kootenay, Nelson, Education Kootenay Studio Arts at Selkirk College hosts year-end show

On June 23 and 24, students from five studios will showcase their concepts, designs and skill-sets at the annual KSA Year End Show & Sale.

Career BUZZ logo
East Kootenay, West Kootenay Career BUZZ: Top Jobs in the Kootenays - June 16 issue

Kootenay Business is pleased to present a snapshot of the top jobs available in the region.

Sydney Black is the executive director of the Nelson & District Arts Council.
West Kootenay, Nelson, Entertainment and Hospitality, Tourism Attracted by Nelson’s art

People want to live in a culturally relevant location—it’s a big part of the reason professionals come to live and work in Nelson. —Sydney Black

The Board Room Café, owned by Alf Him, his daughter Savanna Hines and her husband Justin Hines, opened in mid-June 2017.
West Kootenay, Grand Forks, Entertainment and Hospitality, Small Business, Tourism Board Room Café comes to Grand Forks

Shy? Bored? Need a conversation starter? Sit down to a game from the Board Room’s library, and you’re good to go.

The new Angry Hen Brewing Company location
West Kootenay, Kaslo, Developments, Small Business Kaslo’s Angry Hen Brewing Co. nears completion, set to open this summer

Kaslo's new Angry Hen Brewing Co. is expected to open for the 2017 summer season

Trail Regional Airport rendering
West Kootenay, Trail, Developments Trail’s YZZ to get a new terminal building in $2.5 million project

The Trail Airport (YZZ) is a busy place these days with the start of construction on a new terminal building with substantial completion slated December 2017.

Career Buzz logo
East Kootenay, West Kootenay Career BUZZ: ‘Best Of’ Top Jobs in the Kootenays - June 9 issue

Here is a selection of the 10 'Best Of' Top Jobs Kootenay Business has featured on Career Buzz over the last six weeks.

Riverfront Centre
West Kootenay, Trail, Developments Construction of Trail’s Riverfront Centre Well Underway

Construction on the City of Trail’s new $8.3 million Riverfront Centre is well underway

Kootenay Cycling Adventures is based in beautiful Nelson, B.C.
West Kootenay, Kaslo, Nakusp, Nelson, New Denver, Revelstoke, Small Business, Tourism Nelson’s bike trek deluxe

John Bowden of Nelson, B.C., is working to make group bicycle touring the next big thing in his region.

Patrick Gauvreau, new Utilities Superintendent for the City of Trail Public Works department.
West Kootenay, Trail City appoints new Utilities Superintendent

Patrick Gauvreau, the City’s Roads and Ground Superintendent, has been appointed the new Utilities Superintendent of the City’s Public Works Department.

Plane taking off at YZZ
West Kootenay, Trail, Developments, Financial Trail Regional Airport receives $4.6 million in grant funding for Runway Rehabilitation Project

The City of Trail is pleased to announce it has received a $4.6 million grant from the Airports Capital Assistance Program (ACAP)

Logo for Career BUZZ
East Kootenay, West Kootenay Career BUZZ: Top Jobs in the Kootenays - June 2nd issue

Kootenay Business is pleased to present a weekly snapshot of the top jobs available in the region.

Selection of Mt. Begbie beers.
East Kootenay, Fernie, West Kootenay, Revelstoke, Cuisine, Entertainment and Hospitality, Small Business Brewery of the Year goes to Revelstoke’s Mt. Begbie

The 15th annual Canadian Brewing Awards and Conference was held in Ottawa recently at the Ottawa Conference and Event Centre.

Joy Barrett, cultural development officer for Nelson, B.C., and executive director of Castlegar Sculpturewalk, stands within “Sculpture Walk” by Spring Shine, Christopher Petersen and Hans Winter (2016).
East Kootenay, Creston, West Kootenay, Castlegar, Nelson, Rossland, Small Business, Tourism, Kootenay Influencers The power of art in Nelson, B.C.

Joy Barrett combines creativity and hard-headed business sense in her work as cultural development officer for the City of Nelson, B.C.

Three search and rescue teams in the Columbia Basin have new helicopter rescue equipment thanks to support from Columbia Basin Trust.
East Kootenay, Golden, Fernie, West Kootenay, Nelson, Financial Safer and quicker access to lost or injured

Columbia Basin Trust helps SAR teams purchase rescue equipment

The FortisBC Kootenay Operations Centre is nearing completion and slated to be finished towards the end of 2017.
West Kootenay, Castlegar, Developments $23 million FortisBC Kootenay Operations Centre at Castlegar is nearing completion

The facility will be approximately 30,000 square feet and will contain office and crew space, material storage and a dedicated Emergency Operations Centre.

Deb Kozak, mayor of Nelson, enjoys the city's upgraded streetscape.
West Kootenay, Nelson, Tourism Historic charm meets 2017 tech in Nelson, B.C.

Upgraded esthetics and conveniences meet Nelson’s current needs while distinctive, historic architecture gives the city its timeless charm.

Upgrading roof insulation is a good example of an energy retrofit that will help save money on heating costs and improve the comfort level of a home.
East Kootenay, West Kootenay, Energy, Financial Affordable Housing Energy Retrofit Program now open

Trust providing $2M for energy conservation upgrades.

Career BUZZ logo
East Kootenay, West Kootenay Career BUZZ: Top Jobs in the Kootenays—May 26 issue

Kootenay Business is pleased to present a weekly snapshot of the top jobs available in the region.

The Lower Columbia Initiatives Corporation (LCIC) this week launched a new game-changing economic development marketing program in Trail.
West Kootenay, Trail, Financial Metal Tech Alley celebrates grand opening in Trail

Metal Tech Alley has been created with the input and engagement of multiple stakeholders, citizens, business leaders and community officials.

Jim Barr, owner of Skynet and Kinetic Wireless.
East Kootenay, West Kootenay, Retail, Technology New wireless company coming to the Kootenays

Skynet and Kinetic Wireless, which owns 25 Rogers & Fido stores in B.C., is expanding to serve the Kootenays.

Career BUZZ logo
East Kootenay, West Kootenay Career BUZZ: Top Jobs in the Kootenays—May 19 issue

Kootenay Business is pleased to present a weekly snapshot of the top jobs available in the region.

The 2017 Dragons Den competitors.
West Kootenay, Trail, Education, Financial, Small Business Audience vote helps to determine winners at Junior Dragons Den Championship

The Junior Dragons Den Championship was held on May 6th at the Charles Bailey theatre in Trail, B.C.

Jeanne Shaw with her three border collies.
West Kootenay, Castlegar, Kaslo, Nelson, Slocan, Trail, Animal Care, Small Business Making a connection with man’s best friend

Jeanne Shaw uses her experience as a teacher and her passion for pets to help people understand what their dogs are trying to tell them.

Waneta Dam
West Kootenay, Energy, Financial Fortis buys Teck’s interest in Waneta Dam for $1.2 Billion

Under the agreement, Teck Metals Ltd. will be granted a 20-year lease to use Fortis' interest in Waneta to produce power for its industrial operations in Trail

Fording River Operations, located in the Elk Valley, is one of five steelmaking coal operations owned by Teck.
East Kootenay, West Kootenay, Mining Celebrating Mining Week in British Columbia and across Canada

BC Mining Week is held from May 14 to 20, 2017

Eagle Plains Resources Ltd., a Cranbrook, B.C.-based mineral exploration company, was founded in 1992 by Bob Termuende and his son, Tim.
East Kootenay, Cranbrook, West Kootenay, Mining, Small Business Seeking paydirt

Mineral exploration is a long-shot game with a high expectation of failure—so what attracts people to it?

Career BUZZ logo
East Kootenay, West Kootenay Career BUZZ: Top Jobs in the Kootenays - May 12 issue

Kootenay Business is pleased to present a weekly snapshot of the top jobs available in the region.

Torchlight logo
West Kootenay, Nelson, Cuisine, Small Business Thy growler runneth over: Nelson’s Torchlight Brewing Company is expanding

Torchlight Brewing Company in Nelson has quintupled its size by moving to a new location

The photo shows the large hot pool at Ainsworth Hot Springs.
West Kootenay, Ainsworth Hot Springs, First Nations , Health & Wellness Ainsworth Hot Springs: A place of history and healing

Soak in the relaxing pools, and learn about Ainsworth Hot Springs and its role in First Nations history.

A border collie performing agility.
West Kootenay, Castlegar, Nelson, Slocan, Animal Care Fun things to do with your dog that you’ve probably never heard of

Here are some ways you can have fun with your dog that will be of benefit to both you and your canine friend.

Sarah Peterson
West Kootenay, Revelstoke Sarah Peterson new Marketing Coordinator at Revelstoke Chamber

Sarah will be replacing Meghan Tabor, who recently moved into a new position at Tourism Revelstoke.

Chad Bullock
West Kootenay, Castlegar, Small Business Repairing rides on the road

Chad Bullock’s new mobile repair business, Kootenay Auto Worx, is out and about in Castlegar

Kathy Wright, the outgoing executive director of the Boundary Country Regional Chamber of Commerce, has laid solid groundwork for her successor.
West Kootenay, Grand Forks, Small Business Boundary chamber 2017

As Kathy Wright wrapped up her time with the BCRCC, she had a number of projects well begun to hand off to the board and her successor.

Graphic of 'What's your rush?' ad campaign.
East Kootenay, West Kootenay, Entertainment and Hospitality, Tourism New microsite launched for “What’s Your Rush” campaign from Kootenay Rockies Tourism

Focusing on the phrase, 'What's Your Rush?', this campaign is designed to excite the consumer with an array of activities.

The 36th Grand Forks International baseball tournament is organized and run by volunteers including these: (L to R) Gerry Foster, GFI president; Chris Hammett, GFI treasurer; Kevin McKinnon, GFI board member.
West Kootenay, Grand Forks, Entertainment and Hospitality, Tourism Grand Forks slams it out of the park

Twelve superb Canadian and U.S. college baseball teams will compete in Grand Forks, B.C., from June 27 to July 2, 2017.

Logo for Career BUZZ
East Kootenay, West Kootenay Career BUZZ: Top Jobs in the Kootenays - April 28 issue

Kootenay Business is pleased to present a weekly snapshot of the top jobs available in the region.

West Kootenay, Nelson, Trail, Financial, Small Business Junior Dragons take to the stage at Shambhala Music & Performance theatre

The event saw students pitch everything from automotive diagnostic apps to sophisticated branding companies, in a fast paced live show format.

Columbia River Skywalk—Trail
East Kootenay, West Kootenay, Trail, Developments, Transportation Two Kootenay projects receive awards of merit

The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies of British Columbia (ACEC-BC) recently handed out their annual awards for a variety of projects in B.C.

A grassroots group is looking to build connections between entrepreneurs and innovators in the community to strengthen
Castlegar’s entrepreneurial culture. Pictured from left to right are: Gregg Neelin, Consultant; Andrea Wilkey, Community Futures; Dan
Salekin, Columbia Networks Inc; Jason Taylor, Selkirk College; Arry
Dhillon, City of Castlegar and Ron Perepolkin, Community Futures.
West Kootenay, Castlegar, Developments, Education Building Castlegar’s culture of entrepreneurship & innovation

A grassroots group of entrepreneurs and likeminded community individuals are working together to build an engaged network to support innovation in Castlegar

John Addison is the president of the board of the Kaslo & Area Chamber of Commerce.
West Kootenay, Kaslo, Nakusp, Slocan Kaslo chamber 2017

Collaboration figures large for Kaslo’s chamber of commerce as a technique to accomplish greater goals than it could manage on its own.

From left to right: Michael Hoher, Export Advisor, Andrea Wilkey, Executive Director Community Futures Central Kootenay, Allison Boulton, Program Manager, Export Navigator Program, and David Coburn, Manager of Strategy and Policy, Ministry of International Trade.
East Kootenay, West Kootenay, Education Export Navigator pilot program launched in the Kootenays

Export Navigator is a one-year pilot developed by the Province and administered through partnerships with Small Business BC and Community Futures offices.

Lynn Relph, president of the Downtown Business Association in Grand Forks, B.C., owns and operates Lynden Tree Yarns.
West Kootenay, Grand Forks, Small Business, Tourism Building business in Grand Forks

Good communication, multi-generational involvement, creativity and fun are the tools of the Grand Forks Downtown Business Association.

Roly (Roland) Russell, Ph.D., is the elected representative for Area D in the Regional District of Kootenay-Boundary He also sits on a variety of boards for local organizations.
West Kootenay, Grand Forks, Kootenay Influencers Roly Russell supports rural Boundary

As an elected representative in Kootenay-Boundary and a volunteer on several local boards, Roly Russell is a person of influence.

Junior Dragons Den logo.
West Kootenay, Nelson, Trail, Financial, Small Business Join us for Junior Dragons Den!

Junior Dragons Den is a youth-based business competition that encourages entrepreneurial skills among students from Grade 7 to college and university level.

Kurt Huebert’s carpentry companion is a Krüsimatic G1 CNC robot.
East Kootenay, Golden, Elkford, Sparwood, West Kootenay, Forestry, Technology Carpentry for robots

Kurt Huebert of HübertHaus Timberframes in Golden, B.C., has created a company based on hard work, ingenuity and a sophisticated million dollar robot


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