Local farmers markets help to increase food security and create sustainable communities—check out our list of markets across the Kootenays.
by Julie MatchettSustainability Scene
by Virginia RaschA blog featuring some of the successful sustainable initiatives by Kootenay and Columbia businesses.
Welcome to Sustainability Scene—a blog featuring environmentally friendly or sustainable initiatives. The Kootenay and Columbia are special regions in British Columbia with amazing natural beauty. We are looking for stories about people, organizations or businesses that show a fresh, green approach to sustaining this precious environment. Please submit your idea, and we will follow up with you for a possible entry on this page.

Virginia is a writer and editor with KPI Media. She is an avid outdoor recreationist in all seasons and has lived in the Kootenays for over 15 years. With degrees in the natural sciences, she has worked as a tour guide, an environmentalist, a writer, and an editor of books and scientific publications. Virginia now brings her passion for everything green to KootenayBiz. View all of Virginia Rasch’s articles
Recent Sustainability Scene articles
Community-powered local food is at the heart of the Local Store in Fernie, B.C.
by Virginia RaschThe 100% Renewable Kootenays campaign for clean energy, led by the West Kootenay EcoSociety, continues to grow, adding No. 12: Golden
by Virginia RaschAre you a green business? KootenayBiz is looking for sustainable business stories.
by Virginia RaschThe 100% Renewable Kootenays campaign for clean energy, led by the West Kootenay EcoSociety, continues to grow, adding No. 10: Fruitvale
by Virginia RaschThe City of Cranbrook begins its fleet transition to EVs with the purchase of its first electric vehicle
by Virginia RaschMichael Keefer, an exemplary entrepreneur, owns three green businesses in the Kootenays
by Virginia RaschPrestige Hotels and Resorts are business leaders with 7 “green” certifications from Sustainable Tourism 2030
by Virginia RaschA certification from Sustainable Tourism 2030 is good for people, the planet and profits
by Virginia RaschThe Forest Practices Board released a report that recommends better reforestation practices in B.C.’s dry fir forests, including less clearcutting
by Virginia RaschB.C.’s Forest Basket is featured in a new podcast series by the BC Interior Forestry Museum in Revelstoke, B.C.
by Virginia RaschA trip of goats are trained as targeted grazers for a unique business: Vahana Nature Rehabilitation in Ta Ta Creek, B.C.
by Virginia RaschThis year plant a Pandemic Garden to help the dual crises of coronavirus and climate change
by Virginia RaschRevive the lost art of reading aloud during Earth Hour—Saturday, March 28th starting at 8:30 p.m.
by Virginia RaschThe Bee BC Program has funding available to support bee health throughout the province.
by Virginia RaschThe Happy Hills Farm in Rossland is growing super healthy food year-round
by Virginia RaschThree more West Kootenay communities have signed on to the EcoSociety’s 100% Renewable Kootenays campaign: Castlegar, Warfield and Kaslo
by Virginia RaschThe Green Bag Company in Revelstoke, B.C., is creating upscale, upcycled bags of all sizes and shapes
by Virginia RaschThe fourth generation keeps Kalesnikoff Lumber Company a proud and successful enterprise with its forward-thinking approach to forestry
by Virginia RaschFive West Kootenay communities have signed on to the EcoSociety’s 100% Renewable Kootenays campaign. Meet the early adopters of change.
by Virginia Rasch