All Milestones articles

Smiling woman stands between two men
Golden, Developments, Small Business Golden Mercantile at 40-something

A reputation for craftsmanship and environmentally responsible products is taking Merc Flooring & Paint into its third generation of business in Golden, B.C.

Photo of three men
Elkford Elkford mayor receives Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal

Mayor Dean McKerracher was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in recognition of the contributions he has made to the District of Elkford.

Woman stands, arms folded, inside a building under construction.
Cranbrook, Developments Engineering matters

Bridges, hospitals, office buildings, libraries—these projects and more require the expertise of a structural engineer like Kelly Beriault of Cranbrook, B.C.

An aerial view of a lumber mill site
Revelstoke, Forestry A unique synergy

The city of Revelstoke, B.C., and local lumber company Downie Timber have been supportive of each other—to the advantage of both.

Arleigh has short brown hair and glasses, she sits at a curved and cluttered work dest, holding some of the tools of the trade.
Revelstoke, Retail Garnish Revelstoke

Arleigh Garratt, owner of Garnish, has found her niche through designing jewelry in the city of Revelstoke, B.C.

Photo of Arrow Lake Ferry construction
Nakusp, Developments New Arrow Lake Ferry fabrication coming together

The long-awaited new Arrow Lake ferry being built in Nakusp by WaterBridge Steel is starting to take shape.

Photo of construction of new climbing gym
Kimberley New climbing gym being built in Kimberley

Spirit Rock is a new community-oriented indoor climbing gym located on the Platzl in Kimberley.

A woman with dark hair sitting at the end of a massage table.
New massage therapist at Cranbrook’s Kootenay Health Centre

The Kootenay Health Centre in Cranbrook recently welcomed Heidi Wood to its team of highly trained massage therapists.

Smiling senior couple stand in front of glass doors bearing the sign Columbia Diesel Ltd. and BNW Contracting Ltd.
Golden In it for the long haul

When they married 38 years ago, Brian and Sharon Weir became business partners as well—and they’re still at it as owners of BNW Contracting Ltd. in Golden, B.C.

Photo of Sport Chek building
Cranbrook, Developments, Retail Sport Chek and Dollar Tree to open stores in Cranbrook

With a recent nod of approval from the Cranbrook city council developer, Smart Centres in Cranbrook will soon be adding another retail unit.

Photo of Kimberley's Platzl
Kimberley, Small Business Kimberley Downtown (Platzl) Businesses Call for a Strategy

Kimberley’s downtown pedestrian-only platzl, concerned business owners are calling for a much needed strategy or plan going forward.

Photo of classroom setting
Financial Strong budget supports efforts of residents and communities

Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) will provide $19.4 million in new funding in the 2013/14 fiscal year.

Riddell and Fortier crouch alongside a display of their boards which are placed in an industrial setting. Photo is black and white.
Revelstoke Trapper Snowboards—seriously Canadian

Trapper Snowboards, a small company based out of Revelstoke, is creating seriously quality backcountry equipment.

Two men and a woman in casual business wear stand in front of the entrance of a building
Cranbrook, Education Students of the world

The international program at College of the Rockies is committed to providing the diversity needed in an increasingly global economy.

Gray-haired man stands behind a showcase, with his left hand on a jeweller's microscope
Cranbrook, Retail, Small Business An enduring gem

Owner Gordon Delamont talks about the history of his Cranbrook shop, E.H. Delamont Jeweler Ltd., the joys of working with his family, and the world of gems.

Woman holds three Siberian huskies on leashes in front of Pretty Pooch ’n' Spa.
Cranbrook, Small Business Pretty Pooch dogs are happy dogs

Retail products, a doggy daycare and well-trained staff keep clients coming back to Pretty Pooch Paws ’n’ Spa in Cranbrook, B.C., said owner Margie Leopold.

Photo of Waneta dam expansion
Developments Major milestone at Waneta Dam Expansion reached

One of the largest projects ever to be undertaken in the Kootenays, the Waneta Dam expansion, is continuing to make progress.

A snow covered and picturesque log cabin structure is surrounded by people and tents.
Revelstoke, Tourism Revelstoke shows strong tourism growth

Revenue numbers from 2012 show that the city of Revelstoke, B.C., has enjoyed another successful year with regards to tourism.

by Alan Mason
Photo Tembec mill
Forestry Tembec sells Skookumchuk Pulp Mill for $89 million

Tembec sells Skookumchuk Pulp Mill for $89 million

Photo of a group of people
Cranbrook, Sparwood, Developments, Financial East Kootenay Community Credit Union to host Young Entrepreneur Show

On April 17 we invite you to release your inner dragon, or shark, and join us at the Cranbrook Young Entrepreneur Show.

A portrait of Emma Kirkland smiling in a black shirt with short blonde hair.
Revelstoke, Tourism A fantastic place for business and lifestyle

Emma Kirkland moved to Revelstoke, B.C., to manage the Powder Springs Inn and has discovered that it’s a great all-round community.

Photo of a woman
Nelson, Financial New GM at Community Futures Central Kootenays

Andrea Wilkey is the new general manager at Community Futures Central Kootenays.

Photo of a man
Rossland Thoughtstream rockets to success

Thoughtstream, a comprehensive online stakeholder engagement system, makes the Rocket Builders 11th annual Ready to Rocket list.

Raven, wearing a white shirt, stands and smiles in front of Revelstoke's forrest green gazebo.
Revelstoke Revelstoke: an open and welcoming community

David Raven, mayor of Revelstoke, shares the community’s excitement and future goals.

Photo of welding students and their project
College of the Rockies’ afternoon welding program

College of the Rockies’ afternoon welding program donated their time to fabricate and weld two 74-inch metal caps.

Photo of a man
Nelson, Technology Selkirk College RDI announces the Selkirk-SME Adoption of Digital Technologies (ADT) pilot project

Selkirk College has announced that its application for funding to support the Adoption of Digital Technology has been approved.

Two owners and the general manager of Everything Revelstoke stand on the steps of their new building. All wear sky-blue RMR jackets. A little black dog sits at their feet.
Revelstoke, Tourism Everything Revelstoke: tourism in one place

An independent initiative—Everything Revelstoke—is being established to serve visitors to the city of Revelstoke, B.C.

Photo of Wade Davis
Castlegar, Nelson Mir Lecture Series presents Wade Davis

The Mir Lecture Series and the Columbia Basin Trust present renowned anthropologist Wade Davis on April 3 in Nelson.

Indoor climbing walls with several climbers on the walls and several waiting
Golden, Small Business A vacation destination becomes home

Originally from Britain, Ian Archbold moved to Golden, B.C., and opened Dogtooth Climbing Gym in 2007. He and his wife love the community and the lifestyle.

Photo GEM logo
Golden Golden Environmental Mat Services, a new Kootenay company serving the oil and gas industry

Golden Environmental Mat Services, or GEM Services, is a brand-new East Kootenay-based company making a dent in the oil and gas industry.

Mountain background for a building with a dramatic 12:00 to 3:00 quarter-round roof line
Golden, Small Business Golden initiatives

Golden Area Initiatives has a mandate similar to that of the regional chamber of commerce, but it focuses on the community in general as well as local business.

Two men—one holding a struggling fish—with three little boys on a dock on a sunny lake
Golden, Small Business What makes Golden great

Healthy recreation, friendliness and a consistent positive attitude characterize the community of Golden, B.C.

Three men conducting a presentation
Cranbrook, Education, Mining Over $1.1 million for training simulators in Kootenays

This announcement is for over $1.1 million in investment from the government of British Columbia and Columbia Basin Trust to support the College of the Rockies

Smiling young girl behind a table bearing decorated picture frames
Cranbrook, Education Business training for the young

Selling their handmade products for real money in a young entrepreneurs fair provided a powerful learning experience for elementary students in Cranbrook, B.C.

Photo of a woman and man
Cranbrook, Tourism New general manager at Fort Steele Heritage Town ready for busy season

New general manager of Fort Steele Heritage Town Jennifer Dunkerson is gearing up for a busy spring and summer season at the popular visitors destination.

A man and a woman, both holding documents, survey a stretch of river
Castlegar, Environment More rainbows for Kootenay Lake

Columbia Power's Lardeau River Side Channel Enhancement Project will mean more Gerrard rainbow trout in Kootenay Lake in B.C.'s West Kootenay.

Photo of Target mascot
Cranbrook, Retail Target runs first TV ad as Cranbrook store set to open later this spring

Target Canada unveiled a national brand TV spot which followed Target’s mascot dog, Bullseye, on a journey across Canada.

Harmony Hair and Day Spa in Kimberley, BC
Kimberley, Health & Wellness, Small Business New name, new staff, same location

Pat Johnson has been running a home-based business in Kimberley for the past 15 years, and cutting people's hair for twice that long.

a grizzly bear coming out of a large corrugated steel pipe underpass
Radium Hot Springs, Environment, Tourism Kootenay National Park wants to reduce wildlife collisions

In summer 2013, work will be underway in Kootenay National Park to add wildlife fencing and underpasses in order to reduce wildlife/vehicle collisions.

Photo of proposed Fortis BC building
FortisBC’s new Kootenay Operations Centre getting close to “groundbreaking”

The FortisBC Electric Kootenay Operations Centre Project will be replacing existing aging facilities in the Kootenay Region.

Man in casual workwear
Trail, Environment, Technology Ever heard of a biomass boiler?

Kootenay Tonewood near Trail, B.C., is turning its green sawdust into fuel, which is in turn used to provide energy for the shop's operations.

a young man and woman with two young boys
Fernie, Health & Wellness Fernie welcomes two new doctors

Two new doctors, Mike Stuckey and Deena Case, arrived in Fernie, B.C., from Australia to help relieve the doctor shortage in the Elk Valley.

Photo of aircraft
2012 traffic up 6.6 per cent at Canadian Rockies International Airport

Cranbrook’s Canadian Rockies International Airport traffic was up 6.6% with a total of 113,000 incoming and outgoing passengers in 2012.

A young woman in a red sweater and green scarf interacts with a young man in a black jacket across the booth. Behind is a sign reading
Cranbrook, Education Recapping the career fair

The seventh annual College of the Rockies Career and Job Fair continued its upward trend with great success.

Aerial view photo of commercial properties for sale in Cranbrook
Real Estate Two Cranbrook commercial properties now represented by Form Retail Advsiors

Form Retail Advisors, a high-end Vancouver commercial realtor, has been brought in to market the commercial properties near Home Depot in Cranbrook.

Photo of a Castlegar's Community Response Network presentation to seniors
Education Grants available for projects that address social well-being and benefit youth

CBT's Social Grants Program and Youth Grants Program application deadline is April 12

Photo of the construction of Waneta Expansion Project
Castlegar, Developments Waneta Expansion Project providing benefits to the region

Partners in the Waneta Expansion Project are pleased to release the 2012 socio-economic monitoring report.

Aerial view of Trail, B.C.
Trail chamber welcomes new board members

Trail & District Chamber of Commerce hosted it’s annual AGM on February 19th.

Photo of people at job fair
Cranbrook, Education Annual Career and Job Fair set for March 6

The seventh annual Career and Job Fair is shaping up to be another great event.

Influential women in business
Small Business Help us recognize women in business

Call for 2013 nominations! Take the time to nominate a Kootenay woman you think should be saluted for her dedication and hard work in the business community.


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