Judy Goodman influences Revelstoke
As executive director of the Revelstoke Chamber of Commerce, Judy Goodman is a woman of influence in the business community

Judy Goodman (L), a 2015 winner of an Influential Women in Business Award, is congratulated by Kyla MacNeil of Kootenay Business magazine. — Keith Powell photo
Judy Goodman has received a 2015 Kootenay Business magazine Influential Women in Business Award. She has been the executive director at the Revelstoke Chamber of Commerce for just over three years, after a career occupied mostly with corporate travel management. When Goodman moved to Revelstoke, she took on the executive directorship of the chamber of commerce, which means managing Revelstoke’s business and visitor information centre as well.
We asked Goodman a few questions about her history and what it means to her to have influence in her community.
What attracted you to the position with the chamber?
The majority of my career has been sales, customer service and management, and that’s what the chamber does. We’re constantly selling, constantly managing and serving the membership. The one part that was new to me, on the non-profit side, was advocacy. It’s been an exciting learning curve.
The chamber is a traditional organization. The pillars of the organization took me under their wing and mentored me, and now the organization is turning over a bit, and we’re getting more young people. This blending of the power and experience of the veterans with the inspiration and energy of the young is an interesting and rewarding transition.
Was there someone specific who helped to shape you as a businesswoman?
I learned many things from Krys Sikora, who taught me about business acumen, professionalism and the awareness that we’re always selling. I learned to realize that when someone complains to me, they’re telling me there’s a way I can help them.
Since I started with the chamber I have relied heavily on information from Gord Hume, a Canadian who has written several books on creating culture, top trends, municipalities and how they work.
What kind of attitude makes you influential?
No matter what your position, you’re selling in some way, so take the initiative and ask yourself how you can better help your clients—that kind of attitude will make you successful. Find ways to improve the effects you achieve. Be willing to do the things that need to be done even if they aren’t your job. Speak up when you see a problem or a better way to do things. Support your team.
What makes your influence successful?
The people who have supported me. What I’ve learned from them allows me to have more to offer.
How does knowing that you’re seen as influential influence you?
It reinforces to me that I have to continue to be positive, in spite of any frustrations or dead ends. If I’m going to be influencing people, then I have to be a positive influence.