The 3 C’s of sustainability

Businesses can consider the 3 C's of sustainability. — diego_cervo/
The Kootenays are rich with self-made businesses. People here know how to make it on their own. When they have an idea they run with it just to see what will happen. Often their big ideas support their families and contribute to the local economy by taking on employees and keeping, on average, 68 per cent of the revenue in the community, versus only 43 per cent with big box stores. Businesses in the Kootenays embody the word local, a major tenet in sustainability.
To have a successful business in the Kootenays you have to be determined, driven, have vision and gumption. To have a sustainable business in the Kootenays you first need to have the 3 C’s straightened out. Small businesses are natural leaders in the community and have a responsibility to lead with conscious intention. The 3 C’s help them do just that.
The 3 C’s of Sustainability have been inspired from the three pillars of sustainability: people, planet and profit.
I have linked consciousness to people, as it is the increased consciousness of individuals that will increase the sustainability of the planet. Without awareness of ourselves and our actions we cannot determine what we are doing that is negatively impacting our environment and therefore we cannot find solutions to lead more sustainable lifestyles. It takes courage to look at ourselves objectively and decide to change life-long habits.
From the three pillars, I have linked connection to planet. It has been proven that those who spend more time in nature become more attached to it and have greater convictions to live sustainably. As well, connecting with nature is necessary for our health; Japanese researchers have found those who don’t are sick more often. Happiness is easier to come by in nature versus urban landscapes as proven by a study done using smartphone apps and randomized surveys of people's happiness levels. Connecting with nature is key to living sustainably.
Finally, I have linked consumption to profit because the question always arises: do we have enough? One of our biggest fears in life is feeling like we don’t have enough. If we continue to give into this fear and let mass media convince us we are not abundant, then we will continually consume too much of everything from the outside, to make us feel good on the inside. Until we realize we are enough, just as we are, we will continue to over-consume to the detriment of the planet’s health.
Getting the 3 C’s active in our lives will help make us better sustainable business leaders. The 3 C’s will also benefit our businesses through: increased employee retention (people are increasingly wanting to have meaningful jobs); increased brand image and competitive advantage; increased productivity and reduced costs; and coming ahead of the curve for impending environmental regulations. Besides all that, leaders love a challenge—here is ours.
Kim Klassen of Peak Sustainability 
Kim Klassen is the go-to person for comprehensive sustainability consulting on an individual level. Her clients are people who want sustainable lifestyles but need help putting all the pieces together. Kim has diversity in her bones. She has a B.Sc. in environmental science and an M.A. in environmental education and communication, is a certified home energy efficiency auditor, performs sustainable happiness workshops and is the founder of Peak Sustainability to help you climb your sustainability peak.