Sharing community greenhouse success

Groundswell has developed an exceptional solar-powered community greenhouse. — Photo courtesy CBT
Thanks to Groundswell Network, Invermere has a solar-heated community greenhouse that has been toured by dozens of communities who are interested in learning from the success story.
The . . . Community Greenhouse, since 2009, has enabled hundreds of students and community members to get their hands dirty and learn about growing their own food. -CBT
Now, Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) is providing funding to help make the knowledge gleaned from the project more easily accessible. Workshops and possibly webinars will be offered in the future thanks to $25,000 from CBT.
"We've been facing a growing demand from other communities, organizations and individuals asking for help on developing their own projects," said Bill Swan, Groundswell project leader. "This funding will help us better share our experience and understanding of what it takes to design and execute these community assets successfully." -CBT
The funding will also help create a brochure and updated website for Groundswell in addition to installing improved signage and screens at the greenhouse site.
"Groundswell has been an excellent example of a community collaborating to realize a shared a vision," said Katherine Hamilton, CBT community liaison. "This next step will help it increase its outreach efforts, extending its benefits beyond the immediate area." -CBT