Kick start a series on natural building

This is the design of a sticker that backers will receive. — Photo from the Kickstarter campaign page
One Kootenay-based, B.C., homestead is looking to create a natural-building series of DVDs. Jewel Creek Organic Farm in Greenwood has started a Kickstarter campaign to fund the filming of a video series that will teach a number of skills, from building off-grid to creating a rocket heater.
For those who aren’t familiar with Kickstarter, entrepreneurs pitch their idea and then people can back the product financially. The contribution is only taken if the original goal is met. Those who contributed to the campaign have, essentially, pre-ordered the product as something is promised once the vision is completed.
In the case of Jewel Creek Organic Farm, $5 will get you a sticker and $35 is equal to a couple of stickers and a downloadable version of the documentary once it is finished. Anyone who’s really excited about the project can pledge $500 to $800 and will receive the full works, including a hands-on educational stay at the farm.
We want to create the most complete video series of "how to build a natural home" available: from concept to completion. How you too can build your own home without going into huge debt or needing a mortgage, with the help of friends and how to best live off the grid. -Kickstarter campaign
Now Jewel Creek Organic Farm just faces the daunting task of raising the remaining $10,290 to meet their goal before the deadline on April 4th. Regardless, it’s exciting to see a sustainable Kootenay business plan using some of the innovative resources available online. Check out the campaign video below.
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