Taste true culture

Matthew Harris and Ella Markan are the owners of the new Crème Cheese Shop in Kimberley, B.C. — Virginia Rasch photo
If you love cheese, you are a turophile and you should head to Kimberley’s new store—the Crème Cheese Shop, opened on June 20th. Owners Ella Markan and Matthew Harris carry not only a diverse selection of quality cheeses, but also stock cheese complements like sourdough bread, olives, soups and paninis. “Blue cheeses have been selling very well,” said Markan, and her favourite is Gris-Bleu from Quebec. “It not only tastes deliciously decadent but is also visually stunning.” Customers can sample cheeses before they purchase them. Other cultured foods stocked are kombucha and sauerkraut, and you should leave room for the fresh homemade ice cream.