Enjoy the freshness of Huckleberry Books in Cranbrook

Erin Dalton, owner of Huckleberry Books, said she has more of a chance to play in her shop's new location. — Virginia Rasch photo
Cranbrook’s iconic bookstore has moved and refreshed. Lotus Books is now at 16 - 9th Avenue South complete with a new name—Huckleberry Books.
Erin Dalton has owned the store for over six years, although the bookshop dates back to the 1970s. Explaining the name change, Dalton said, “It’s very Kootenays.”
Additionally, the business has morphed over the years, with more book fairs with the schools, more frequent and diverse events as well as collaborations with local businesses.
Max the cat likes the move too. The bookstore now has several nooks and pods, including a map room Dalton calls the “Indiana Jones” room; a thinker’s corner; a “feed me” space with items for the mind, body and soul; and a kids’ reading room.
“The space was too good to pass up,” said Dalton. “We create an experience now.”