A catalyst for moving forward

Michelle Tucker started the Still North Retreat Co. in February 2017. — Photo courtesy Michelle Tucker
Started in the spring of 2017, Still North Retreat Co. offers workshops and retreats for businesses, private groups or individuals. Owner Michelle Tucker, based out of Nelson, B.C., and Saskatchewan, offers customized retreats from the Prairies to the West Coast, including the Kootenays.
“My focus is on getting people to slow down and get into nature and listen to themselves . . . their intuition,” Tucker said. For example, she ran a series of workshops for a retail business that focused on creating a future vision and strategizing how to achieve it, with time for both personal and business-related reflection.
Tucker can help with creative business plans and tools to reduce stress.

Michelle Tucker offers retreats from B.C.'s coastline to the Prairies. — Photo courtesy Michelle Tucker