The elements of health
With more than 30 years of health-care experience, this RN wanted more

Marion Mazzocchi found that natural healing techniques were a great addition to her knowledge base. —
Photo courtesy Marion Mazzocchi
Marion Mazzocchi has an impressive history in the health-care industry. She now owns Elemental Energies, located 10 kilometres north of Playmor Junction on Highway 6 in Slocan Park. She offers natural remedies such as flower and vibrational essences, workshops, consultations and other related services and resources.
She worked in the medical field for more than 30 years, but there were defining moments in her life that caused Mazzocchi to wonder if something was missing from the system.
“Then several things happened that opened the door for me,” she said. “I had the opportunity to go to China with a delegation of registered nurses from across Canada. I saw first-hand how another culture views health. This was over 20 years ago and although acupuncture was known here, it was still considered ‘quackery,’ but it made sense to me.”
A brand new vista
Over the years that followed, Mazzocchi continued to catch glimpses of the natural health world, and a life-changing event led her to pursue it with renewed ambition.
“It wasn’t until my daughter was born with some challenges that I really started looking at nutrition, herbs and alternative ways to support her—which was great for our whole family,” she said. “Moving to the Kootenays gave me more opportunities to explore many types of alternative healing modalities. And I’m still learning!”
As a registered nurse, Mazzocchi became very knowledgeable in the area of maternal and child health.
“I have a special love of working with women during their pregnancy,” she said, “to help them alleviate some of the discomforts that may occur during pregnancy and help mother and baby prepare for the birth together.”
Evolving to meet her clients’ needs
Mazzocchi has picked up several different healing techniques since she started Elemental Energies in 2000. By using a diverse range of tools, she is able to customize her sessions based on the individual needs of each client. She teaches workshops on flower essences, energy healing and Reiki, and she hopes to start a birthing workshop in the near future.
“Over the years the challenge has been to introduce and educate people to energy healing therapies,” she said. “It’s much easier now and becoming more recognized.”
If you are interested in booking a session with Mazzocchi, she can be reached at 250-359-6867.
For more information, visit the Elemental Energies website or blog.