Just the pro to call
Kitt Santano has an aptitude for computer technology

The Pro-to-Call staff (L to R) Thor Salter, Porter Santano, Kitt Santano, Natalie Santano, Ian Richardson —
Karen Bain photo
Long-time Creston resident Kitt Santano has an aptitude for computer technology, and that skill has served him well. Add to that his professionalism and strong values, and you have a winning formula for entrepreneurial success.
This was definitely the case when he started Pro-to-Call Computer Services, a retail and technical repair business that is building strong roots in the Creston community. The company sells all types of computer accessories and systems—including laptops—and they build custom computers to suit the individual needs of their clients. They also do out-of-shop PC repair.
Getting started
Santano started out working for Kootenay Employment Services (KES), where his job included teaching computer skills to senior citizens. He also fixed computers on the side. Upon meeting his beautiful wife, Natalie, he was inspired to launch his own enterprise.
“My wife Natalie inspired me to open up the company into a retail store, which was a big jump for me,” said Santano. “She always believes in me and is the best help and support around me.”
Proud moments
Santano is proud of his business and the progress it has made. Pro-to-Call was successful enough to establish a retail store in downtown Creston at 1134 Canyon Street (across from the CIBC bank).
“The proudest moments (I have had) as a business owner are every anniversary we have,” said Santano. “We are blessed with wonderful cards and flowers from our clients, supporting us and the work we do for the community.” He also commented on the challenges inherent in business ownership.
“The most significant challenge thus far has been trying to stock requested items that are not easily found in our small town,” he said. “And also balancing work and family, with the arrival of our son, Porter, who is seven months old.”
Solid foundations
With the current economic downturn, everyone is looking for the best way to get by, and small businesses are particularly affected. Santano has endured this financial obstacle with optimism and an increased focus on the services he offers.
“(The) economic times (call for) value, service and prompt repairs. Build a friendship with clients, (and) keep active in the community,” he advised. Over the course of its two years in business, Pro-to-Call has expanded to incorporate four full-time staff members. “(We) are continually growing to provide Creston with service, quality and friends that are here to help,” said Santano.