A spiritual journey
Spirit Trail Adventures offers a one-of-a-kind selection of memorable activities and therapeutic resources

These adventurers have no shortage of passion for their business. From L to R: Charlie Sims, Sunny, Martina Danzer. —
Photo courtesy Spirit Trail Adventures
When Martina Danzer and Charlie Sims met 15 years ago, they had no idea what successes their combined skills and talents would bring them.
Danzer was raised in the Bavarian Alps, balancing her love of outdoor sports with an educational path that led her to earn a bachelor of arts degree in education, a degree in art therapy and several other credentials.
Sims was born and raised in Kimberley, with a passion for horsemanship in all its forms, and a lifelong dream of building a ranch from scratch in the Purcell wilderness. He proudly introduced Danzer to the world of horses, something that took her a bit of getting used to. However, in time, she went from being too afraid to pet a newborn filly, to being deeply in tune with these majestic animals. She began studying natural horsemanship with Pat Parelli, and it had a transformational impact on her life; soon she was able to ride the same filly she had been so afraid of.
A life changing venture
Seven years ago, Danzer and Sims created Spirit Trail Adventures in Kimberley, a business that offers trail rides, overnight tours, sleigh rides and other unique services—even allowing guests to have dinner in an igloo.
“Charlie’s level of connection with horses has a transforming effect on many people,” said Danzer. “When guests show up, he intuitively connects with the energy of the horses and the customer and matches their needs. His calm and patient approach helps people to start to understand more about horses and how they can connect with them.”
Danzer put together her personal experience and her background in psychology and delved into equine therapy, something that has allowed her to help many people in need. Sims, a Shaman at heart, also offers his own type of therapy in the form of private energy treatment sessions that work on a multifaceted level to encourage wellness.
“(It is rewarding) when I can feel that guests are open-minded and willing to do their best and to get involved with their horse and truly connect with the animal,” said Sims.
Spirit Trails is located at 6348 Lost Dog Road in Kimberley, B.C. For more detailed directions see their website.