Twenty-five years in outdoor gear
High Country Outdoor Gear & Clothing is in the business of equipping people for fun and fitness

Iain MacLeod is the owner-manager of High Country Outdoor Gear & Clothing in Cranbrook, B.C. — Marie Milner photo
In 2014 High Country Outdoor Gear & Clothing in Cranbrook, B.C., will have been owned by the MacLeod/Miller family for 25 years. Iain MacLeod, the current owner of the store, said that the business keeps him on his toes.
“We are busy keeping up with the changes in what people want,” MacLeod said. “It’s nice to see people getting excited about classic sports like snowshoeing and cross-country skiing.”
MacLeod said that people are rediscovering the wide variety of recreational options that are available close to home and at low cost, and are making the most of their recreation time. The Cranbrook area is ideal for every level of physical activity, offering simple recreation like walking and biking in the community forest and Rails to Trails, and more demanding activities like paddle sports, snowboarding and rock climbing.
“A lot of our time gets taken up with our electronic gadgets,” MacLeod said, “and we forget to appreciate the spectacular area where we live and all the possible activities that we could be doing. There are activities for everyone, whatever their fitness level. As always, hiking, backpacking and camping are very popular, and rock climbing is having a resurgence in popularity; it’s as big as I’ve seen it in 15 years.
“It’s fun to think of all the new gear that we can bring in, and new ways to help people to enjoy their activities.”