Transitioning the Hume
Character and charm are preserved during the transition of the Hume Hotel into the Information Age

Ryan Martin is the general manager of the 115-year-old Hume Hotel in Nelson, B.C. — Colin Payne photo
Year founded: 1898
Founded by: J. Fred and Lydia Hume
Current owner: Dave and Sheila Martin, owners since 1979
It’s a rare business that gets to be 115 years old, and the Hume Hotel in Nelson, B.C., is a member of that elite group.
When current owners Dave and Sheila Martin bought the hotel in 1979 it was in need of refurbishment, which was accomplished with careful preservation of the building’s character. Now the Martins are moving the Hume into the Information Age, ensuring Internet access in all rooms along with air conditioning and updated decor—again, though, retaining the historical charm of the rooms.
The fourth floor renovations are complete, and tours of the rooms are available on request. Third floor renovations are well underway, and the entire project will be complete in 2015; the lobby will be the last area of the hotel to receive its upgrade.