Yo yo, Boo Boo, Yogi Berri ain’t movin’ anymore

Joey Christensen has set Yogi Berri Café’s foundation in concrete at a commercial location. — Photo courtesy Joey Christensen
After nine years on the road, the Yogi Berri and Crepes food truck has found a permanent parking spot in Trail. The newly opened Yogi Berri Café came about a year after owner Joey Christensen purchased the food truck from the original owners. After noticing that there were no eateries or coffee shops near her home in Trail, Christensen decided to keep making crepes in a commercial location.
“It makes me happy to know that we are offering good, fast food at an affordable price to an area that really appreciates you being there,” said Christensen. “We make an effort to ensure we are keeping a fun, positive vibe in the Café. There is never any reason to be stressed out making crepes—it’s fun and creative!”
The Yogi Berri and Crepes food truck remains in operation as well and is expected to have a very busy upcoming summer.