Solutions to radioactive radon

Radon 86 Solutions is a new business based in Golden. — Photo courtesy Radon 86 Solutions
Radon 86 Solutions is a new business based in Golden. Their specialty is helping people deal with a health concern that they’re probably not even aware of.
Radon is a radioactive gas that results from the decay of uranium in the earth’s crust. The Kootenay area is classified as high in radon potential. Unfortunately, radon is the top cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. This toxic gas can accumulate in buildings, often concentrating in the basement. The good news is that something can be done about it. That’s where Frank Bertrand comes in.
When a friend of Bertrand’s who had never smoked developed lung cancer, Bertrand decided to do some research and, consequently, tested his own home for radon. Levels were high, but a depressurization system immediately dropped them from 20 to 1.
Now Bertrand is involved with informing others about their options, and helping them decrease the radon they’re exposed to in their own homes.
“It is fantastic to be able to help people and to give them peace of mind,” Bertrand said. “It feels like meaningful work.”
Learn more about radon, and the services of Radon 86 Solutions, through their website.