Rollin’ and repairin’

If your vehicle needs fixing, give Jim Hartley a call. — Photo courtesy Jim Hartley
If you're out in Grand Forks and see a 1968 Jeep Kaiser, there's a high probability that it's manned by Jim Hartley. Hartley has started ProMobile Mechanics, an auto-fixing shop on wheels.
Hartley carries his gear in the Kaiser; his tools include an air compressor, welder, diagnostic computers and more—anything you would expect to find in a professional mechanic shop. He had opened up his business in Victoria more than a decade ago and returned to the Grand Forks for family commitments. Hartley, a journeyman mechanic, sets his fees based on the North American Standard Labour Guide, with no additional charges for travel within a 10-kilometre radius of Grand Forks.
To contact Hartley, call 250-584-9710; visit ProMobile Mechanics' website to learn more.