Recreation-style axe throwing

Dustin Roskam is the owner of Peak Axe Throwing Inc. in downtown Revelstoke, B.C. — Matthew Timmins photo
In February 2018, Dustin Roskam opened Peak Axe Throwing, an unusual indoor recreation option for Revelstoke. The basics are simple: at the far end of each lane there’s a red bullseye painted on an eight-inch-thick slab of tree trunk. At the near end, 3.6 metres (12 feet) from the target, there’s a hatchet weighing about 680 grams (24 ounces). After appropriate safety instructions and throw-training, you aim for the target and throw. To boost the energy, AC/DC may be playing Roskam’s favourite piece, Thunderstruck. “It’s really fun to come out with a group,” Roskam said. “More fun than you might expect.”

Recreational axe throwers enjoy getting together at Peak Axe Throwing Inc. in Revelstoke, B.C. — Photo courtesy Dustin Roskam