Putting their heads together

This union will benefit private businesses in the West Kootenay. — Photo courtesy Don Catalano
L. Soligo & Associates and Grant Thornton LLP have recently joined in order to better serve the needs of West Kootenay businesses.
Providing tax and advisory services, these well-known firms will be combining to operate under the name Grant Thornton LLP.
The Grant Thornton Trail office will provide clients with new opportunities for growth, more extensive tax services and enhanced corporate finance and valuation offerings to clients in Trail, Rossland, Nelson, Castlegar and other communities in the West Kootenay.
To learn more about how this new business arrangement will enhance your existing services, contact Don at the Trail office at 250-368-6445 or [email protected], or Paul at the Kelowna office at 250-712-6824 or [email protected].