Overwaitea to Save-On

Overwaitea Foods in Kimberley and Creston are transforming into Save-On-Foods. — Virginia Rasch photo
Overwaitea Foods stores in Kimberley and Creston have changed their signage colours from red to green as they transition to Save-On-Foods. Overwaitea and Save-On belong to the same company, Overwaitea Food Group, and the conversions realign the stores under its most popular title.
“Adding two more stores to our Save-On-Foods family means our fantastic team members in Kimberley and Creston can give our customers more of what they want: the products and programs that make Save-On-Foods such a well-known and loved brand in B.C.,” said Darrell Jones, Overwaitea Food Group president.
The alterations from Overwaitea Foods to Save-On-Foods in Kimberley and Creston are consistent with all locations throughout B.C. as the company completes its rebranding efforts.