New naturopathy clinic in Cranbrook

Dr. Katelyn Mudry, Naturopathic Medicine, is a new clinic in downtown Cranbrook. — Photo courtesy Dr. Katelyn Mudry
Dr. Katelyn Mudry, Naturopathic Medicine, is a new naturopathy clinic in downtown Cranbrook.
After working at three different clinics last year, Katelyn Mudry, ND, is now the proud owner of her own location.
As a naturopathic doctor, Mudry provides individualized medical care. “No two snowflakes are alike and it’s the same with my patients—every one is different and unique,” said Mudry.
Mudry believes that having a good relationship with your doctor is important to healing. She describes herself as energetic and humourous, while often wearing lots of bright and bold colours to showcase her personality. “If that sounds like a fun time, then I think I would be the best doctor for you,” she said.