Happy gut = happy life

Leeza Zurwick felt happier and healthier when she began drinking water kefir a year ago so she decided to start a business around the product to help other people feel better too. — Photo courtesy Leeza Zurwick
If it seems as though people in the Kootenays are rubbing their bellies in satisfaction lately, there’s a reason. Happy Gut is Leeza Zurwick’s new business based in Castlegar that aims to heal and restore aching tummies via water kefir (pronounced kuh-FEAR). Water kefir is a naturally fermented, pop-like, probiotic drink full of enzymes, minerals, electrolytes, vitamin B and good bacteria for your stomach. Happy Gut supplies customers with water kefir do-it-yourself kits, grains/cultures and bottles of apple ginger-flavoured water kefir.
“I chose to start a business around this product because the health benefits are endless, it is simple to make and I want to help others,” said Zurwick. “Anybody can do it!”