Forbes bakery is best

Kimberley City Bakery owners Michelle and Eric Forbes earned the prestigious Jake the Baker award from Bakers Journal magazine. — Photo courtesy Michelle Forbes
Of all the bakeries in Canada, the best one resides in Kimberley’s Platzl—the Kimberley City Bakery. Bakery owners Eric and Michelle Forbes took home Bakers Journal magazine’s annual Jake the Baker Award. The award is given to a successful bakery that makes innovative, high-quality products, runs day-to-day operations efficiently and is a master marketer and solid citizen in the community. “We were surprised and thrilled to win,” said Michelle. “It felt like a dream from the time we found out we won until we got back from Vancouver (where the award was given in April).” Stop into the shop, admire the award and bite into a traditional French croissant—one of many reasons the Kimberley City Bakery has been crowned the new king of baking.