Bike kings of Castlegar

Adam Pomeroy (left) and Rob Gretchen opened Cycology Bikes Inc. in Castlegar, B.C. in April 2016. — Photo courtesy Adam Pomeroy
After doing bike repairs out of their respective basements for several years, Adam Pomeroy and Rob Gretchen of Castlegar realized they had developed a solid business opportunity. They teamed up to open Castlegar’s first bike shop, Cycology Bikes Inc., on April 2, 2016. They continue to specialize in customer service and they are pretty excited about bringing new brands of bikes to the Castlegar area as well. “Whenever you see something new, it’s exciting,” Pomeroy said. “We know a lot of people in the biking scene and we’re trying to create a culture. We’re enjoying what we do.”