A gym just for women

The new ladies gym in Sparwood is run by a non-profit organization called the Sparwood Women's Fitness Society. —
photo courtesy Mary Fleming
The doors to a new ladies-only gym in Sparwood opened on July 9, 2012. The gym was started by Mary Fleming, Bonny Willet, Bev Kovak, Joan Halverson, Dawn Morgan and Dawn Wyld—who are former clients of Curves.
According to Fleming, the idea of opening a new gym surfaced after Curves in Sparwood closed down in December 2011, and the group got talking about how much they missed having a private place for women to get together and work out. They decided to purchase fitness equipment from Rosa Gilmar, who was the owner of Curves in Sparwood, and form the Sparwood Women’s Fitness Society.
The new gym is located behind Cash Town in Centennial Square, and it is open seven days a week from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. by keyless entry. It costs $100 for a four-month membership to the gym and all the proceeds go to maintaining the facility. Fleming said there are already 42 members signed up for the Sparwood Women’s Fitness Society and she is hoping that number will go up when the fall season starts to approach.
For more information on the gym, contact Mary Fleming at 250-425-2173 or any of the other founding members of the Sparwood Women’s Fitness Society.