Mateus Dachwitz
Mateus Dachwitz has turned his passion for parkour into a business called Red Path Movement

Mateus Dachwitz is the owner-operator of Red Path Movement in Nelson, B.C. — Photo courtesy Red Path Movement
Mateus Dachwitz became a parkour leader at the age of 16, and by the age of 20 he had achieved his ambition to turn his passion for the sport into a paid livelihood. His business, Red Path Movement, is located in Nelson, below the Pharmasave on Baker Street.
In answering our questions and sharing his thoughts about entrepreneurship in the Kootenays, Dachwitz confirmed that passion is his primary driver.
What qualities does a successful business person need in today’s world?
I believe to be a successful business person you need to either have or develop the qualities of commitment, dependability, passion and persistence.
Dependability provides your customers with the experience of your commitment in your offering to them. Passion demonstrates your investment into their experience of your product or service. And persistence helps the entrepreneur with the development of their business and the business person they are becoming, and deepens the understanding within their self.
Finish this sentence: Entrepreneurs need a lot more ___.
What’s a common myth or misconception about entrepreneurship?
One misconception I’ve see about entrepreneurship is that it is a high-risk way of living, and that it requires much more time and dedication then the typical 9-5 workday. The other common myth I’ve seen surrounding entrepreneurship is that you can make money off of anything, and the truth is, we only make money off of our passions.
What makes the Kootenays attractive to an entrepreneur?
I’ve lived in the Kootenays my whole life now. I can’t necessarily speak for others, but I know my “why” for running a business here. I’m well connected with people who live in large centres, as well as having lived in Calgary for a year and being well travelled and educated. The Kootenay region is waiting to explode! When I say that, I’m referring to the growth I’ve witnessed over the past 20 years in communities like Nelson and Revelstoke.
Whether you’ve visited the Kootenays, or have lived here your whole life, you know that nature and serenity are literally in your backyard, and there are few other places in the world that have this combination of beauty and opportunity.
What trends have you observed in your community that might impact the local economy in the next five years?
I won’t lie—as a business owner and entrepreneur I tend to neglect trends more often than I should. I talk and chat with my clients quite a bit, and use mostly (but not totally) my gut to make business decisions. I’ve lived in the area my whole life, and have learned to trust my instincts, especially based on what I’ve observed. The biggest observation is how much our area has been growing in popularity and population in the past two decades.