GeoLyn Mantei
GeoLyn Mantei’s success is driven by her passion for her community

GeoLyn Mantei is the CEO at Moda Partners, chair at Kootenay Quick Shot Media and founder of Muddy Stilettos. — Photo courtesy GeoLyn Mantei
GeoLyn Mantei of Nelson, B.C., is all about positivity, inspiration, passion,competence and the entrepreneurial spirit. She is the owner of Moda Partners, a national marketing agency; she’s chair of QuickShot Media, a digital media company: and she's the founder of Muddy Stilettos, an organization that inspires and supports women entrepreneurs.
Mantei kindly answered our questions about her experience with entrepreneurship:
What qualities does a successful business person need in today’s world?
Keep your values front and centre. Launch ideas from the heart. Make passion your master. Allow possibility to feed your soul. See the world as it isn't.
Finish this sentence: Entrepreneurs need a lot more _____.
Honest and trustworthy mentorship and belief in themselves.
What’s a common myth or misconception about entrepreneurship?
That it's about money. Being an entrepreneur is about passion. It's a tough climb with peaks and valleys. If you don't have a reason greater than money, the drive will subside. The purpose has to be greater than yourself and monetary gains.
What makes the Kootenays attractive to an entrepreneur?
The people. I started my first business in Nelson in 2010, an arts and culture publication which saw great success in its couple of years. At the time, as a new business owner and resident, the community welcomed me warmly. Over the last few years, I had resided in Kelowna, travelling frequently to Nelson and relocating back permanently in 2017. It was as if I had never left. I returned to the community where my entrepreneurial journey began, surrounded by familiar faces and the opportunity to meet new residents. I've been supported by incredible people, businesses and communities throughout the Kootenays. Because of this region and these people the entrepreneurial dream started and this is why and where it will remain.
What trends have you observed in your community that might impact the local economy in the next five years?
Since my return to the Kootenays last year, I have noticed incredible growth compared to 2010. The community has welcomed entrepreneurs with established businesses in various sectors. The area has become home to a vibrant and diverse tech sector that is a major driver of innovation and economic growth. New technologies drive employment, transform traditional industries and reinvent how we work and go about our daily lives.