Dennis Scott
Maintaining focus on his goals is one component of success for Dennis Scott

Dennis Scott is the founder of DC Scott Construction & Installations in Cranbrook. — Photo courtesy Dennis Scott
Dennis Scott of DC Scott Construction & Installations breaks his big-picture goals into small, achievable tasks in the short term. The success of that approach has earned him a loyal customer base and a contract as an installer for Cranbrook’s Home Depot store.
Scott talked with us about success and work-life balance as an entrepreneur.
What qualities does a successful business person need in today’s world?
Being truly passionate about your craft and staying motivated to continue to grow with tomorrow’s innovations. Recognizing the importance of communication with clients. Seeing the value in each and every customer.
Finish this sentence: Entrepreneurs need a lot more ___.
Focus. I feel that any person is able to reach the goal they set for themselves if they remain focused, having the ambition to continuously move forward through the bumps along the way. I find by dividing my bigger picture goals into attainable pieces it helps me continue to move towards the end target.
What’s a common myth or misconception about entrepreneurship?
You will be “married to your job.” While you are always in touch with your business and often spend long hours working on its success, it is also important to maintain a healthy balance between professional and personal life. By paying attention to that balance over the years I have been able to drive my company forward while still having an active family life.
What makes the Kootenays attractive to an entrepreneur?
We have a friendly small town feel with easy access to so many outdoor activities. Our ability to offer work life balance attracts new business and growth.
What trends have you observed in your community that might impact the local economy in the next five years?
I think that migration from costly coastal living will play a major role in our community growth.