Top 10 Most Dangerous Intersections in the Kootenays
Driving the streets of our cities and towns can prove as dangerous as our mountain highways.

With the summer season approaching the traffic volume in the Kootenays increases substantially, leading to accidents. — Photo courtesy Chad St. Pierre,
We all know driving the mountain highways of the Kootenays can be dangerous, but what about driving on the streets of our major towns and cities? According to data published by ICBC, here is a list of the ten most dangerous intersections in towns and cities throughout the Kootenay region as of July 31, 2016 (the most current data available).
Cranbrook, the largest center in the Kootenays, has the greatest volume of traffic on its streets. It also has five of the ten most dangerous intersections based on the number of crashes which occurred in the city over a five-year period from 2011 to 2015. It would appear that whenever a major thoroughfare like Highway #3 connects with adjoining streets the potential for crashes climbs substantially.
Both the cities of Nelson and Castlegar had two of the most dangerous intersections and Trail had one. Casualty crashes are crashes resulting in injury or fatality and are listed in brackets when available.
Recently the City of Cranbrook installed a new turning lane signal light on the Theatre Road/Victoria Avenue intersection with the goal of reducing collisions.
Cranbrook — Cranbrook St. N & Theatre Rd. & Victoria Ave. N & turning lane – 170 crashes (62 casualties)
Cranbrook — Cranbrook St. N & Willowbrook Dr. & unsigned– 61 crashes (22 casualties)
Cranbrook — 2nd St. N & Victoria Ave. N – 48 crashes (casualties not available)
Cranbrook — 6th St. N & 6th ST. NW & Cranbrook St. N – 48 crashes (17 casualties)
Nelson — Vernon St. & Ward St. – 44 crashes (12 casualties)
Cranbrook — Kootenay St. N & Victoria Ave. N – 42 crashes (20 casualties)
Nelson — Government Rd. & Granite Rd. & Hwy 3A and 6 – 41 crashes (16 casualties)
Castlegar — Columbia Ave. – Castlegar – 39 crashes (casualties not available)
Trail — Bailey St. & Bay Ave. & Victoria St. – 39 crashes (15 casualties)
Castlegar — Columbia Ave. & Hwy 3 & Hwy 3 off-ramp & Hwy 3 on-ramp & Kinnaird Overpass & Kinnaird Underpass & highway ramp – 36 crashes (14 casualties)
With summer just about upon us, more and more drivers take to the roads in the Kootenays. We urge you to drive safely and be particularly alert when approaching any of the above listed intersections.