In challenging times, Kimberley patients count on this pharmacy
Our health care system is strained to the max, and these entrepreneurs decided to do something about it

McGonigal (left) and Frasca (right) are making a difference by providing quality care. — Photo courtesy Mountain & Pestle
Carley Frasca and her business partner, Sarah McGonigal, met while they were both working at a large chain pharmacy in Cranbrook, B.C. Frasca was originally from Golden, while McGonigal hails from St. Paul, Alberta. They noted the ever-increasing need for quality pharmacy services, and wanted the best for their clients—so they took the initiative to start Mountain & Pestle Pharmacy in Kimberley, B.C.
We wanted to learn more about their entrepreneurial journey, so we asked Frasca a few questions about this “boutique pharmacy” and the inspiration behind it:
What made you decide to open a pharmacy in Kimberley?
We both strived to provide excellent care to our patients, however, staffing shortages and an ever-growing workload made this difficult to maintain. When the perfect location came up in Kimberley, we decided to take matters into our own hands.
- Photo courtesy Mountain & Pestle
What makes Mountain & Pestle stand out as a business?
At Mountain & Pestle Pharmacy we genuinely want to get to know our patients, advocate for them and ultimately provide them with excellent care. We've also created a fresh modern environment that is warm and welcoming to our patients. We feel by providing them with outstanding customer service and an inviting space our pharmacy definitely stands out in a positive way!
What are some of the challenges you've seen, when it comes to our current healthcare system?
We have seen our healthcare system stretched so thin during this pandemic. People have been unable to see health care providers when they need care, or there is a lack of continuity in their care.
How does your pharmacy help people navigate those challenges?
We are here, and ready to help! We are hoping to get to know our community on a personal level and be available to help them to live their best life. Pharmacists are the most accessible health care providers, and we are building a business that will continue to allow us time with our patients—that is our main priority! We offer a variety of services such as delivery, vaccinations, blister packing, medication consultations and prescription extensions. All these services can help ease the challenges in our current healthcare system.
What are your plans for the future?
Right now we are just seeing what our community needs. In the future, if we feel like there is a gap that we can help with, we will adapt and grow as needed!
If you had one superpower, what would it be?
That's a tricky one. I think teleportation would be pretty awesome- I'd love to be able to travel the world with ease!
- Photo courtesy Mountain & Pestle
Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers?
We opened Mountain & Pestle Pharmacy because we wanted the control to be able to provide excellent care to our patients. The last couple years have been tough on everyone, especially those with medical conditions. We feel more than ever patients need healthcare providers who have the time to listen and advocate for their needs and that is what we are here for!