Camping in the Kootenays is a favourite
Tanya Tamasi of the Back Door Gift Shoppe loves camping in the summer

Tanya Tamasi, owner of the Back Door Gift Shoppe, hopes to camp in the Kootenays a lot this summer. — Lisa Crane photo
Tanya Tamasi has owned the Back Door Gift Shoppe in Kimberley since 2004. Although she has to work every second weekend in her shop, she likes to get away camping as much as she can. "Luke sat in his chair as we packed up and cried that he didn't want to go home," said Tamasi of her three-year-old son at the end of their last camping trip. We asked Tamasi to tell us where she likes to spend her playtime.
What are your favourite things to do in the Kootenays in the summer?
Camping. We went camping on the Easter weekend at Lake Koocanusa. I really liked it; it was nice. The heater worked in our tent trailer, which was very nice. We also like to hike in Kimberley Nature Park in town and go to Wasa Lake for the beach there.
Where do you like to go camping?
Close to home, (we like) Larchwood and Tamarack Lake campgrounds near Premier Lake, and Stoney Lake, close to the Purcells.
Who do you go with?
I go with my family—my husband, Ian, and son, Luke, and our dog. We go with friends sometimes.
Where do you like to go on vacation in the Kootenays?
Four years ago, we had a vacation near Kaslo and stayed at Box Lake Campground. I would love to go again.
Why do you like the Kootenays?
I love the mountains, the weather, the people and that it is so laid-back here.