Robin Goldsbury
Robin and her partner, Reg, have enjoyed developing the Dock ‘n’ Duck

Robin Goldsbury has long been an active part of business in the Kootenays. — photo courtesy Robin Goldsbury
Robin Goldsbury’s grandma once told her that it’s when you stop learning that you start getting old. It’s a philosophy that Goldsbury has taken to heart.
“The worst challenge for me is monotony and boredom,” said Goldsbury. “I love it when I am researching and planning, organizing and implementing, building, growing, finding solutions and making things happen.”
After 20 years of involvement in the Kootenay business community, Goldsbury has had plenty of opportunity to practise these skills. She and her partner, Reg, bought their current business in Balfour, B.C., after coming across the older building on a motorcycle tour in 2007. Today the extensively renovated building is the Dock ‘n’ Duck Family Grill and Lodge.
The Dock ‘n’ Duck is only the latest adventure in a successful track record, however. Goldsbury has grown numerous Kootenay businesses and is proud of her continual involvement with community service. She also completed a master’s degree in neuroscience shortly before renovating the Dock ‘n’ Duck.
“I’m a pretty passionate person,” she said. “Underlying most of my passion is a desire to improve, a concern for others and the environment, or (a desire to make) things happen. On a recent trip to Jamaica I got my Open Water Diving Certification. I had to face a big fear, but I did it.”
The willingness to jump in with both feet aside, Goldsbury isn’t shy about discussing the challenges of her career path. Staffing at Dock ‘n’ Duck’s rural location and bureaucratic red tape have both presented challenges to overcome. Goldsbury also feels there is room for improvement in the Kootenays regarding subtle gender inequality in the business community. There is also the ever-present challenge of finding time.
“Leading a successful business requires a tremendous level of commitment,” she said. “Finding balance and making time for me can be tough.”
There are no real complaints from Goldsbury, however, about living on the beautiful Kootenay Lake and nurturing the Dock ‘n’ Duck. In a highly competitive business environment, being able to offer a memorable meal to visitors is an experience she finds satisfying. You can also bet that she’ll continue to find opportunities to learn. After all, her grandma’s advice has served her well so far.