Gray Creek Store: a legend
Gray Creek Store has been serving customers in the Kootenay Lake area for almost 100 years

Tom Lymbery poses with his son Dave Lymbery and his grandson Chandler Lymbery. Chandler worked the store in the summer as generations have before him! — Photo courtesy Gray Creek Store
Gray Creek Store, a legend with locals and beyond, opened in 1913 at Gray Creek on the shores of Kootenay Lake. Tom Lymbery, son of founder Arthur, runs it today with the help of even some fourth-generation family members. Tom chatted with Kootenay Business about his store.
Why was the store opened?
It was the original landing site for the steamwheeler ships on Kootenay Lake. My dad, who came here to grow fruit, opened it as a response to public demand.
Who is your inspiration?
The customers; that is why we have such a variety of goods.
What is the most unusual thing in the store?
A Shewee—I am not sure if people know what that is. We also have Aspen gasoline from Europe—which is the cleanest gas (for) small engines that you can get.
What do you do for some downtime?
Go to Mexico for a few months in the winter.
What is your favourite book?
The Cinnamon Mine by Ellen Davignon; (it's) about growing up in Alaska. I am a bit of a history buff, so we have an amazing selection of history books in the store.
Will there be any celebrations next year for your 100th anniversary?
I hope to release my book about the family—about my dad coming here in 1911 and growing up here.
What does the future hold?
We hope to expand more into building supplies.