For web design, go to Eggplant Studios
Shawn Wernig is inspired and motivated by his clients

Shawn Wernig is the owner and creative force at Eggplant Studios in Invermere, B.C. — Photo courtesy Shawn Wernig
Shawn Wernig of Invermere, B.C., has always been creative—painting is his original love. He opened his web design business, Eggplant Studios, in 2013.
What led you to become involved in graphic design?
I went to art school and had to figure out a way to make a living doing what I love. Graphic design was a natural fit and it turns out I really like it.
What’s a recent trend in your business that you’re excited about?
The web is a huge environment and there are many people doing amazing things—I’m excited about the limitless technology and limitless options. It’s fun solving people’s business problems.
What aspect of being in business has surprised you the most?
How good the community is. A lot of my clients are small businesses like I am, and it’s inspiring to work with people who are equally passionate. It keeps me going.
What kind of business workshop or seminar would be of value to you?
Something to do with business growth, going from a one-man operation to having employees.
What activity is your passion outside of work?
I like spending my free time outdoors, maybe biking or camping—not near a computer.