A friendly new face
Meghan Tabor, the Revelstoke Chamber of Commerce's new marketing co-ordinator, answered a few questions for Kootenay Business

Meghan Tabor looks forward to taking Revelstoke into the future. — Glynis Fediuk photo
The Revelstoke Chamber of Commerce has a new marketing co-ordinator: Meghan Tabor. Kootenay Business writer Glynis Fediuk asked her a few questions.
I read that you were educated in eastern Canada—when was the first time you came to Revelstoke?
I came here in 2002, when I did a bicycle trip across Canada. It was the first time I’d ever been west of Toronto. I had just graduated high school, and my best friend and I flew bikes out to Vancouver and cycled back. When we biked through Revelstoke, there was something about this place that really sparked an interest in me. It was way before the ski hill or the new influx of tourism, but I remember thinking, ‘I want to live here someday!’
When did you move to Revelstoke and start this job?
I moved here in 2009. I had an offer for a full-time job in the summer doing forest firefighting. Once I moved here, I knew it was a great place and set down some roots and kept my eye open for different opportunities in town. I started this position on the 8th of August—it’s been a bit of a whirlwind but it’s been good.
What might a typical workday look like for you?
These days have been dedicated to the (upcoming) vacation guide—doing the ad sales, getting the editorial together and picking out the pictures. That goes to print by the end of December so it’s ready for January.
I do some research into various magazines that have approached us, because different (publications) will approach us for ads and I'll see what would fit for Revelstoke and what wouldn’t. I keep up to date on the social media side of things, like Facebook and Twitter, and stay in touch with businesses in town, letting them know about various marketing initiatives. I look at trade shows we might want to participate in, and brainstorm creative ideas for promoting Revelstoke differently than we already do.
What kind of things do you do in your free time?
Summers are all about mountain biking and in the winter I ski. I grew up skiing in the Blue Mountains and in the Quebec area, and I lived in North Vancouver for a couple years, so there was Whistler, Grouse Mountain and Cypress.
What do you see as Revelstoke's strengths, from a marketing standpoint?
It’s neat that we have such a deeply rooted heritage here. I think we’ve got a great opportunity to utilize that heritage while moving forward with new stuff that’s come to town, like the ski hill.