What is your Mount Everest? Part 1
Are you working to reach your goal?
Is your day starting off on the right track? Will you achieve everything that you need to today?
Are the "things" (activities) you do today working towards the No. 1 goal in your life right now?
One simple question: what is your No. 1 goal?
If you know it, great! Take a piece of blank paper, write it down and then pin it above your computer screen or in a place where you look often throughout the day. If you don’t know what it is, then take a few minutes, an hour or even a whole day to think about it and work it out. Once you have it written down, pin it up somewhere.
Then think about it, focus on it and ask yourself "Do the things I do every single day go some way towards achieving my No. 1 goal?" If yes, that’s awesome—you’re doing great! If not, then you’re like 95 per cent of us and you need some help refocusing to be able to climb your own Mount Everest.
Recently, I gave a visual presentation that explained how, with a little prioritization and some rearranging, you can start to optimize your schedule. Brett McKay, one of the authors of The Art of Manliness, also does a great job of explaining this process. Take a look at his video. So with this in mind, have a go at prioritizing your BIG ROCK and focusing on your No. 1 goal.
I will explain how you can break it down to quarterly, weekly and daily goals in order to use a laser focus to actually make your No. 1 goal a reality and conquer your Mount Everest.