Fernie chamber connections
The Fernie Chamber of Commerce eases the way to success for local businesses
The board of directors of the Fernie Chamber of Commerce has worked out its strategic plan for 2016, and its primary goal is to be the connection between business and the community: to connect businesses with each other, with government and with resources. Under executive director Patty Vadnais, the Fernie Chamber of Commerce will focus on forging strong connecting links through all of its initiatives.
Vadnais is a relative newcomer to Fernie, moving there from Lethbridge in spring of 2014. She was attracted to the community because of the lifestyle.
“It was a long-term goal to retire to Fernie,” she said, “and one day I wondered, 'Why wait until I retire? Why not just go now?' ”
The position with the chamber of commerce came available in May 2015, and Vadnais is finding that the job is a satisfying one.
“I’m new to the community, and doing this job is a great way to meet people and have fun,” she said. “I want to see people succeed, and if the chamber through its offerings can help people do that, then I’m excited to be part of that. The board of directors has a really good vision for the chamber and they’ve given me some high-level direction, and we’ve put in some operational plans to see those goals met.”
The chamber of commerce is the organizing partner for a few of Fernie’s annual events that blend business, tourism and community:
- Coming up in early March is Griz Days, Fernie’s annual winter festival—billed by Tourism Fernie as “the biggest, snowiest party of the year.”
- Every Wednesday in July and August, downtown Station Square hosts live music, street food, craft vendors and crowds of summer visitors.
- On July 10, 17 and 31, 2016, Victoria Avenue will become a pedestrians-only thoroughfare in order to host street performers, road games and musical entertainment.
- Fernie’s annual Show & Shine car show will take place on August 14, 2016.
- The Business Excellence Awards Gala will take place in October, in conjunction with Small Business Week.
- Fernie’s Black Friday “shop local” promotion is an annual autumn event.
The chamber of commerce is contracted by the City of Fernie to run the Visitor Information Centre, and as a complement to that service, the chamber has obtained funding from the Resorts Municipality Initiative for an Ambassador Program. Through that program, individuals who work in areas with high tourist contact will be provided with education about local legends, services, recreation and amenities to enable them to promote Fernie to visitors.
Also on the chamber’s agenda are the development of education sessions for the membership and a labour strategy to combat an ongoing labour shortage.
“We’re in the initial phases of putting together a member promotion tool to build support for each other and local business in general,” Vadnais said. “The chamber is doing whatever it can, however it can, to help make doing business easy. We’re a membership-driven organization that supports the creation of a strong and healthy business environment.”