Informed advantage
Know your market or, in this case, benefit from knowing the people that are looking to network with you

Understanding the business you're approaching could offer an edge. — Kristen Mitchell photo
The College of the Rockies Career Fair, to be held at the main campus in Cranbrook, B.C., on Wednesday, March 6, 2013, offers plenty of connections for anyone looking for employment, or even just exploring their options. In order to maximize this opportunity, it’s best to be informed about the companies you’ll interact with. Here is a listing of participating companies, and the resources to find out what they’re about.
Association of Professional Engineers of British Columbia
BDO Canada (Cranbrook)
British Columbia Aboriginal Mine Training Association
Canadian Cancer Society (Kootenays)
Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre
Certified General Accountants Association
Certified Management Accountants of B.C.
Cummins Western Canada (Sparwood)
Falkins Insurance Group (Cranbrook)
Friends of Fort Steele Society
Go2, the resource for people in tourism
Health Sciences Association of B.C.
Investors Group Financial Services (Cranbrook)
Kootenay Aboriginal Business Development Agency
Metis Nation of B.C. (Employment and Training)
Resorts of the Canadian Rockies
SMS Equipment Inc. (Elk Valley Operations)
SNC-Lavalin (Environment)
St. Eugene Golf Resort and Casino
Sun Life Financial (Cranbrook)
Teck (Sparwood)