Castlegar: Who’s who in business

Information about business in Castlegar, B.C. - including contacts, award winners and listings.

Castlegar is attractively situated on the banks of the Columbia River.

Castlegar is an attractive community with a thriving business scene. — Brendan Mitchell photo

Community Pulse Population7,259 Number of businesses679 Supporting industriesMining, manufacturing (wood products), education

With its central West Kootenay location, Castlegar, B.C., is positioned as the commercial service centre of the region. The West Kootenay Regional Airport sees 70,000 passenger movements a year while education, retail and the lumber industry help the city thrive.


Castlegar Chamber of Commerce

Find out more about Castlegar's chamber, and what it does for the community.

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City of Castlegar

Castlegar offers attractive lifestyle options with an abundance of outdoor activities and a friendly, small-city feel.

The Castlegar city council regularly meets on the first and third Monday of each month, with a summer recess during July and August.

Mayor: Bruno Tassone

Current council:

  • Dan Rye
  • Florio Vassilakakis
  • Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff
  • Cherry MacLeod
  • Maria McFaddin
  • Bergen Price

Economic development contact:

Castlegar City Hall: 

460 Columbia Avenue
Castlegar, B.C.  V1N 1G7

Business hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm, Mon - Fri

Contact: [email protected]; 250) 365-7227

Council meetings schedule: First and third Monday of each month, except for July and August when meetings are held once per month, usually on the second Monday of the month.

Bruno Tassone, mayor of Castlegar, wears the official chain of office
One-on-one with the Mayor

The new mayor of Castlegar is well acquainted with infrastructure and what it means to the city’s ability to function.

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Do you own a business in Castlegar? We'd like to hear more about you. Please contact us if you're a successful long-time business owner in the area, or if you think you would qualify as a top employer in the Kootenays.

Promoted Castlegar businesses