Culture at the Confluence in Castlegar
A new website brings together all that is happening in arts, culture and heritage around Castlegar

Partners in the new website are from left, Jim Crockett of the Castlegar & District Recreation Commission, Audrey Maxwell Polovnikoff, Jacquie Hamilton of the Castlegar Arts Council and Val Field of the Kootenay Gallery of Art. Missing is Mayor Lawrence Chernoff, chair of the Recreation Commission. — Photo courtesy Audrey Maxwell Polovnikoff
Art, culture and heritage in Castlegar is the focus of a newly redesigned website and brand. Culture at the Confluence now offers a bright, fresh new look and covers everything that locals or visitors might want to know.
“The new website is visually designed with very easy and intuitive navigation,” said Audrey Maxwell Polovnikoff, recreation and cultural programmer with the Castlegar & District Recreation Department. “It definitely has an increase of information. It includes a full scope of arts, culture and heritage.”
The site was launched at the Kootenay Gallery of Art in Castlegar on January 15, 2014. Over 60 people attended the event and the website was very well received. The project was a collaboration between the gallery, the Castlegar & District Recreation Commission, the Cultural Advisory Committee and the Castlegar Arts Council with funding from the Province of B.C. and the Government of Canada. Design work was done by Pollysplayground and Craftwerk Design.
The website covers Castlegar and areas I and J. Visit the submissions page of Culture at the Confluence for more info and to make a submission.
“There are many groups and organizations in the Castlegar area that probably don’t have the funds themselves to market themselves,” said Maxwell Polovnikoff. “This gives them an opportunity for exposure and to market what they have.”
The website will be a great resource for residents who want to stay informed about arts, culture and heritage in the area.
“When you put everything all in one place you’re aware of just the diversity of culture and the explosion of what Castlegar has to offer,” said Maxwell Polovnikoff. “So, by coming together and joining together we are so strong and we have such a great message to tell people that are interested . . . It just covers the whole scope.”