Winter is coming - city launches PlowCRANBROOK, a real-time plow tracker
The City’s winter operations program works to keep roads safe and passable for both drivers and pedestrians.

Using existing GPS tracking and mapping technologies, the City now provides an outlet where you can see where plows have cleared snow in the past 24 hours up to the last seven days, including where the snow plows are currently. — Photo courtesy City of Cranbrook
Residents can now follow snow removal activities with the launch of PlowCRANBROOK — the City’s new real-time snow plow tracker.
Using existing GPS tracking and mapping technologies, the City now provides an outlet where you can see where plows have cleared snow in the past 24 hours up to the last seven days, including where the snow plows are currently.
“We hear each winter from customers asking where the snow plows are, when will their street get plowed or asking why snow plowing is done the way it is,” says Tony Hetu, Deputy Director of Public Works. “We hope residents learn about and use this great new tool, and explore our information rich webpage, which will help you understand why we prioritize routes the way we do, what the current status of snow removal is and plenty of other great information around our operations.”
The City’s winter operations program works to keep roads safe and passable for both drivers and pedestrians. The City has a solid fleet of trucks and plows in place, with operations ready to run around the clock during any major snow event ready to tackle whatever winter throws at us.
Along with the PlowCRANBROOK tool, the City has information available online around what happens during a major snow event and what our levels of service are around road and sidewalk cleaning. There is also information about what our residents can do to help with snow clearing, and tips on both winter driver and pedestrian safety.
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